New Yuki Kajiura sheet music books

If I figured it out correctly, I can play 80% of those songs...the only ones I've never played are Kimi wa Boku ni, Life Goes On, Hitomi no Kakera, Obsession, Yume no Tsubasa, Cazador del amor, 15-sai no shiganhei theme, and Fiction.

Just an observation...I'm honestly not trying to brag :imdead:

I wonder how the arrangements will be, though? I know that some of the others have gotten bad ratings...maybe these arrangements will be more accurate and pleasant-sounding :ayashii:
Thanks for the info! I might have to get it, just to see the arrangements too. Most looking forward to stone cold. (Our piano is so out of tune that I probably couldn't play it even if I could play the piano. heh I would try it on the violin though)
The cover is FictionII but I still like it, and the list are cool too!
/me wants Yuki's piano solo album with musics from her music sheet book :wai:
can someone scan all the music sheets from Pandora Hearts?? pretty please.... :plz: :plz: I'm dying to play these songs on my piano! :desksweat:
Hi to all,
Im new to the forum..
Is there a possibility someone can scan the Akatsuki No Kuruma sheets from the red mid/hard book?

I want to buy this book right now, but I would love first to get a song to see the quality of this sheets...since is a little bit expensive to send it to my country I first want to be sure it is really worth it

If Kajiuri transcribed this it must be, but Im not sure who made the book

Thanks a lot =)
Details are out on amazon


ピアノ・ソロ 梶浦由記作品集 (日本語) 楽譜 – August 20, 2014

Product Description


■Mother Land Nostalgia(NHK連続テレビ小説「花子とアン」)
■heavenly blue(Kalafina/アニメ「アルドノア・ゼロ」)
■Credens justitiam(アニメ「魔法少女まどか☆マギカ」)
■Sis puella magic!(アニメ「魔法少女まどか☆マギカ」)
■to the beginning(Kalafina/アニメ「Fate/ Zero」2ndシーズン)
■in the land of twilight, under the moon(アニメ「.hack//sign」)
■Distance(FictionJunction/機動戦士ガンダムSEED HDリマスター)
■eternal blue(FictionJunction/ゲーム「戦律のストラタス」)
■約束(FictionJunction YUUKA)
Track list is pretty decent. Although I wish there were more soundtrack pieces.
that's a lot of Kalafina songs. But yay for there being a few Hanako pieces!
That looks tempting (books are VAT-exempt too, for those of us worried about import charges)!

I remember a comment on here recently that there may have been guitar tab versions published at some point...I did a quick look through the 'sheet music' section of this site and there were only To the Beginning and Magia that were 'band score' instead of vocal, piano or general 'sheet music' format. I *think* that's what I'd find most useful...doing an arrangement for, say, Moonfesta on guitar and mandolin would be a fun challenge! :plot:
Speaking of music books I found this one while searching for Yuki's name in the Shinko website

it contains Historia: opening theme by her.

ピアノ・ソロ新シリーズ「プレミアム・ソング」。辻井伸行、久石 譲、坂本龍一をはじめとする匠たちの、美しいメロディーが印象的な珠玉の名曲50曲を厳選しました。ドラマや映画、TVテーマ曲も多数掲載。

■JIN-仁- Main Title(高見 優)
■I am~報道ステーション テーマ曲(Manami Morita)
■おひさま メインテーマ 明日へ(渡辺俊幸)
■TAKUMI/匠(松谷 卓)
■出会い(松谷 卓)
■ありがとう ピアノバージョン(松下奈緒)
■Summer(久石 譲)
■Oriental Wind(久石 譲)
■アシタカとサン(久石 譲)
■人生のメリーゴーランド(久石 譲)
■あの夏へ(久石 譲)
■風の通り道(久石 譲)
■Asience-fast piano(坂本龍一)
■Merry Christmas Mr.Lawrence(坂本龍一)
■energy flow(坂本龍一)
■Put your hands up(坂本龍一)
■江~姫たちの戦国~ メインテーマ(吉俣 良)
■篤姫 メインテーマ(吉俣 良)
■世界の車窓から(溝口 肇)
■渡る世間は鬼ばかり オープニングテーマ(羽田健太郎)
■世界ふれあい街歩き main theme(村井秀清)
■Historia:opening theme(梶浦由記)
■ピアノ協奏曲「宿命」第一楽章(千住 明)
■相棒 オープニングテーマ(池 頼広)
■Close to you~セナのピアノII(CAGNET)
■NEW ASIA(東儀秀樹)
Thanks for the details @george1234! Yes I saw on HMV a few days ago that there were 2 listings for August and September, but I couldn't be sure whether it's an error (repeat posting) on HMV's part or whether we're really getting two books since there aren't any details on the track list. Anyways I like a lot of songs in the August book so I think I might get it :love: