New Kalafina Single ! 30/07/08 !!!

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Someone help with the lyrics... bold I'm not sure of (can't see in the blog lyrics image), and can't make out the rest...

I'm calling 君を
延ば(wtf?)した指も震えてるそのまま 抱きしめた

過ぎるまで _叫び続ける それだけなんだ
君に届く? 僕が届く?
that cover is soooo coool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMGGGGGG
and the song too :XD:

i want all their dresses and i want that houseee
Yeah,very cool cover.o(∩_∩)o...
KEIKO is the most lovely~~ :dote:
lol Now I hear "I'm calling" (in oblivious sample I never heard the word "oblivious") XDD

I transcribed the lyrics for sprinter:
I'm calling kimi wo
mamotte ageta kute
Nobashita yubimo furue teru sono mama dakishimeta

Bokura ni dekiru koto hatada, iki teirundato
chikara sugiru made natsu sume daku sakebi tsuzukeru  sore dake nanda
Kimi ni todoku? Kouboku todoku?
Zetsubou no amazaki...

And for ARIA:
Yasashi sa wo shiranai
kimi ga kureta yasashi sa ga
Garan no kono muneni
namo naki hikari wo toboshi teiru...

Obviously, they are wrong XDDD
Kazado said:
Obviously, they are wrong XDDD

obviously. And 100% the 2nd todoku is wrong (sounds and looks like boku ga todoku to me). :p Can't figure out the rest myself (the made something something sakebi)...
grunty said:
obviously. And 100% the 2nd todoku is wrong (sounds and looks like boku ga todoku to me).
Hmmm... Yes, it's boku ga todoku; ^^U it's difficult (to me) to hear that "boku ga" when two or three voices are singing (different lyrics).

grunty said:
:p Can't figure out the rest myself (the made something something sakebi)...
To figure isn't enough. :p
elcazador said:
Yeah,very cool cover.o(∩_∩)o...
KEIKO is the most lovely~~ :dote:
The cover is so pretty because Keiko is so preeeettyy :love:

Kerahna said:
i want all their dresses and i want that houseee
Waaaaahh Kerahna will cosplay as Kalafina again x3
oohhh your house is cosplaying too ? °o°
I want that house tooo xD

the sample of Sprinter is different from what yuki does usuallu x)
so good :sohappy:
This is what i hear.
(+ a lousy attempt at translating the whole thing XD)

I'm calling kimi wo (sora ni ...something..)[Although I'm calling would be the most logical in this context, i hear something like "Ai no tori"]
mamotte agetakute
Nobashita yubi wo (sora ni ...todoku?)
furueteru sono mama dakishimeta

(I'm calling
I will protect you
You stretched you hand¹ (....reaching towards the sky)
(Or: You gave me your hand)
and quiveringly embraced me)

Bokura ni dekiru koto wa kara, ikiteiru n da to
(As far as we're concerned, we can only live on)
chikara tsukiru made
(untill our strength runs out)
nasu subedaku sakebi tsuzukeru
(something somethink I(we)'ll continue to cry out)
sore dake nanda
(that's all there is to it)
(Kimi ni) todoku (todoku) boku ga todoku
(I'm reaching for you, we're reaching out...)
Zetsubou no ama sa... (...ama sa? LOL)...
(The desperate ...bitch? O.o (I swear i hear ama sa ="that bitch" in japanese. Unless Yuki was talking about a desperate flax/hamp/linnen)
yeah its different from yuki's normal stuff! it is kind of like when i first heard aikoi, a huge surprise
i LUV the cover art :hearts: the girls look really pretty

and sprinter its sooo different from the other singles, i luv it :dote:

btw, who's singing in the preview?

Website updated. Keiko looks horrible in the cover pictures - so dead/expression-less and in both covers she looks in a different direction than the other 3 girls, lol... Great in the solo pic, though.


Wakana on the other hand... fabulous. Though she really makes me think of Kaori Oda. xD


Hikaru has a rather... unusual beauty...


Maya looks much better than in the original Kalafina session pic.


They changed the profile pics to new ones, too - wish we had bigger versions of those, since they seem good. Overall, I think it's a nice photo shoot. ^^

Also in the special section there's a TV spot for sprinter/ARIA (part of PV!). Download for tvcm.
New flash (and new bakground ._.?)! *_*
I love Wakana :hearts: so pretty!! But Maya and Hikaru are... well I don't like... I really love that scenario, it's... mystic and rare <3

Kowz said:
btw, who's singing in the preview?
Well, according to the TV spot, all singers are singing the preview XD and Wakana does the Kajiuran chorus XD
grunty said:
Also in the special section there's a TV spot for sprinter/ARIA (part of PV!). Download for tvcm.

can somebody upload this to a different host -.- for some reason i can't download from mediafire lately <.<
