New FictionJunction album "elemental" and YK Live vol. #11

OK, ticket to Fukuoka:









引取開始 : 2013/11/07 15:00
引取期限 : 2013/11/13 23:00


公演日:2014/04/05(土) 17:00開演

チケット料金:全席指定(全席指定) 1枚 計6,300円
手数料   :計315円


@ Kugayama
Congrats! I'd try for more places like Fukuoka too since tickets may generally be easier to come by for those venues compared to Tokyo. I've lost twice already in the lottery for YK/Kalafina lives in Tokyo and had to settle for general tickets if I still planned on going. But for other concerts in places like Fukuoka, Sapporo etc., yep, haven't lost the lottery yet even for seemingly more popular artists. :XD:

Enjoy Vol.#11 in Fukuoka! :sparkleguy:
^ Thankyou! One of the surprisingly easy concerts to get favourable tickets for (provided one had a willing friend in Japan to help) was the Otodama Sea Studio show on August 26 this year - as with other general admission tickets, they asked people to line up in ticket number order. I was a bit late understanding their instructions, but still made it into first row. My travel agent did well finding me accommodation in Kanazawa-Hakkei - a lot cheaper than Zushi and only 25 minutes on the train and less than 1.5 km total walking.

Will also be trying for Chiaki Ishikawa in Osaka on 06 April 2014.

Keiri said:
@ Zhao_Yun
Yes, general ticket sales start on 11 January 2014.

I'll leave these two pages here for you to read. They explain it much better than I can. :bow:

The website above also happens to be a proxy service which helps oversea customers buy tickets on their behalf.

thank you for the links!
I'll try to get tickets at kombinis then... I hope they won't sell out too fast!
@ Zhao_Yun
You're welcome!

If you're already in Japan by the general ticket sales date, then go for it in buying the ticket from a konbini! :)

But if not, I highly recommend asking someone else to purchase the ticket on your behalf as an insurance of sorts. Osaka is usually the second most popular venue so tickets may be sold out pretty quickly.
More news regarding the new album if it hasn't been posted yet.

The title of the album is "elemental".

Confirmed songs are:
・eternal blue
・stone cold
・Toki no Mukou Maboroshi no Sora
・Parallel Hearts
・Hitomi no Chikara

13 songs in total with (only) 3 new songs and 1 self-cover song. Release date is 22 January 2014.
... ... ...

:XD: Hope the 3 new songs are good (Elemental sounds intriguing...).

EDIT: What's a self-covered song, anyway? :confu:

Ah I see. Thanks, Keiri and George for explaining.

I would pretty much kill for a Fields of Hope self-covered. :imdead:
Whoops, I meant to say "self-cover song". It's a song that's written by the song writer given to someone else to perform/sing in the past, and now that song is being performed/sung by the song writer him/herself. Example, "synchronicity" originally sung by Makino Yui, then sung by Keiko in the Everlasting Songs album.
What the... Why do Yakusoku again ? It was perfect as perfromed Live by Yuuka Yuriko and Hikaru, and what with all these old single songs ? So this album is basically just to re-sell the songs, me is totally dissappointed :uh..: :uh..: (I dont expect much from the 3 new ones either)

@ Casarina: Its a song that they re-record with more or less people/ diff instruments, in this case it must be Yakusoku. Other example would be Seiya which was first sung by nansho (with main vocal Yuuk) and then selfcovered by Yuuka as FJY.
Yakusoku is not the cover song. That list has 9 songs, and total is 13 songs soooo, 9 + 3 new + 1 cover = 13.

Anyways, I'm pretty disappointed.
Flying Dog announcement, they also renamed the tour to "Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#11/elemental Tour 2014" the album comes out January 22, 2013

FictionJunction 待望のNew Album 「elemental」2014年1月22日発売決定!!

FictionJunctionの5年ぶり、待望のNewAlbum のリリースが決定しました。

価格:¥3,045(tax in) 

・Distance (※「機動戦士ガンダムSEED HDリマスター」 EDテーマ)
・eternal blue (※KONAMI「戦律のストラタス」主題歌)
・stone cold  (※TVアニメ「セイクリッドセブン」OPテーマ)
・時の向こう 幻の空 (※TVアニメ「おおかみかくし」OPテーマ)
・Parallel Hearts   (※TVアニメ「Pandora Hearts」OPテーマ)

☆購入者応募特典としてYuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#11/elemental Tour 2014 
Basically all of their A and B sides so far. Boring. :uh..:

I've come to expect it since FJ isn't like Kalafina, but some album-exclusive songs wouldn't hurt, Kajiura-san. I don't get to hear enough Yuriko Kaida.
^Agreed. She didn't have to put all those songs on the album. So there's the new one by Asuka for sure, that leaves 2 other ones. I hope they don't turn out like Distance, even though I like the song, it isn't one of my favorites. (I'll probably still end up getting the album, just not right away heh)
So there's the new one by Asuka for sure, that leaves 2 other ones.

I doubt a Madoka song would be included in a non-Sony release. It will most likely be included in the soundtrack.