Well... this section was actually first recommended about 1.5 year ago by Rave D, it became reallity last June (it was finished the day before the 1st hack) but it was vanished due to the hack
so I had to recreate it from scratch
I started the recreation 1 month ago and now its 99.9 % finished so here it is !!!
It contains all the live setlists of
- Kalafina
- FictionJunction (& YUUKA)
- Yuki Kajiura (& Dreamport)
- See-Saw (as much we could find)
- Chiba Saeko
- plus some Eminence conserts where they featured music by Yuki (note: we are going to make special logo for Eminence later, for the concerts where Yuki isnt present)
The navigation is the same as in the Discography :)
Special Thanks
Raved D (for the first suggestion)
+ everyone else I forgot for providing setlists
Yumi (for romajing and for providing useful information albout alot of the lives)
Kiyoko (for romanising some of the setlists)
Kerahna (for romanising the See-Saw setlists, and helping with the some of the front pages)
We are going to put button to the main site once the Imaga Gallery is ready too :D
If you have any other setlists or information I dont please post here viewtopic.php?f=3&t=802 :D
^ also for further suggestions

Well... this section was actually first recommended about 1.5 year ago by Rave D, it became reallity last June (it was finished the day before the 1st hack) but it was vanished due to the hack
It contains all the live setlists of
- Kalafina
- FictionJunction (& YUUKA)
- Yuki Kajiura (& Dreamport)
- See-Saw (as much we could find)
- Chiba Saeko
- plus some Eminence conserts where they featured music by Yuki (note: we are going to make special logo for Eminence later, for the concerts where Yuki isnt present)
The navigation is the same as in the Discography :)
Special Thanks
Raved D (for the first suggestion)
+ everyone else I forgot for providing setlists
Yumi (for romajing and for providing useful information albout alot of the lives)
Kiyoko (for romanising some of the setlists)
Kerahna (for romanising the See-Saw setlists, and helping with the some of the front pages)

We are going to put button to the main site once the Imaga Gallery is ready too :D
If you have any other setlists or information I dont please post here viewtopic.php?f=3&t=802 :D
^ also for further suggestions