My Photo Edits (and other miscellaneous artwork)


HA! I live in her CLOSET!
Hey CPM!
A few months ago, I happened to download a picture editing app to my iPod. I started to play around in the app, and it's been awesome :XD:. I've posted some of them to my blog, if you've checked at anytime within the past couple months. I typically write some kind of paragraph to go with the picture, but they are pretty much me rambling about something that makes absolutely no sense to anyone other than me... I also include a song to go with each picture. The vast majority of these songs have been Kajiura-related, as you can probably guess. I'll post the ones I post to my blog onto here as well. The first one didn't have a song or rambling, since it was me "testing the waters" as I would say, and both me who and my mom did a picture (she's an actual artist).
Un Rêve du Natsu no Ringo


This is a part of a collaboration with Melissa D. Johnston, known to me as “Mom”. Here’s her piece, and I hope you enjoy both of our works! Photo credit by me. *\(^o^)/*

This weekend, my family (which obviously includes me) went to an apple farm in North Georgia to do just what you would expect- pick apples. While we were going around scouring the trees for the last remnants of what was left of this year’s harvest, I decided to get my trusty 0.7 Megapixel iPod Touch camera out and take some pictures. Naturally, on the way back, my hand shifted over to the photo editing app on it, and I started playing with the photo. From there, voila.

The name “Un Rêve du Natsu no Ringo” is a mashup of French and Japanese (Frapanese? Jench?). “Rêve” translates into “Dream” from French. “Natsu” and “Ringo” translate into “Summer” and “Apple(s)” from Japanese, respectively. Completely translated, the title would mean “A Dream of Summer Apples.”
Icy Escape


“We’re in the middle of winter,” The ice sheets had said to me every single day before this. “Wasn’t that obvious enough?” Was my only reply.
The lake had frozen a couple months ago, closing the door to my exodus from this dreadful town. I always had known that I hated any and all forms of ice, so the fact that it had decided to show up on the very last day before my leaving just seemed to be a form of mocking.
But on this foggy morning, as I made my way down the quiet lakeside street, I happened to look at the ice. Though I had glanced at it many times before, it was only that: a glance. Today, I actually stopped to look at it. It compelled me to go towards it; to listen to its story. The light blue directly under told the story of feeling like being trapped in; just as I had felt in this town. However, the faded white contradicted that statement: a feeling of freedom, having no limits to one’s adventurous exploits. “Just freeze time, and go!” It seemed to scream out. From then on, I decided to make that a belief for myself: no matter what others or oneself would say are their limits, one needs to disregard their rash statements, and focus on what they can explore around them. Perhaps the ice’s prior rudeness was because it knew that it could teach me a lesson.

Who knew that such a beautiful truth could come from something nearly as simple as frozen water?

Song: Yuki Kajiura/FictionJunction- Winter
The Sole Papermoon


The paper sliver of light shone high in the sky, nothing piercing its far-off rays but a sole cloud slowly making its across the black tapestry called “night.”

Featured Song: Tommyheavenly6- Papermoon

PS: I’m really late on this, but this edit was originally for Halloween. I’ve mainly been preoccupied with school, and it doesn’t help that I tend to procrastinate… *sigh*

PSS: This has nothing to do with the second opening to Soul Eater, even if the featured song is from that anime. I wasn’t watching Soul Eater when I made this (though I currently am), and I wasn’t aware that the second opening was named “Papermoon.” I just thought it sounded cool, and fit the image. Btw, that song is really cool, and I would say it’s one of the best OPs I’ve heard from an anime.
That Cerulean Space


It was a simple plane; only a thin stripe of white raced across the faded blue body. Yet, this simple plane held the limitless power to take oneself anywhere they dared. Anytime the plane departed the landing pad, everything became a monochrome cerulean dream. This sky-blue arena was the portal. It served as the transport device to take people where they chose to, with no limits. Those fake wings let one leave the cynical world, through the angel gate, into the heavenly blue. When the plane found its climax, it looked like nothing but a small ant reaching up to kiss the sky. The people below didn’t understand. They said that it was purely impossible to kiss the sky; they thought I was delusional. Well, I have one simple word to say to them: HA! They would know the joys of entering that cerulean world if they only thought about the opportunity that was blatantly laid out in front of their faces. They would then be able to open up with this magical world.

Featured Song: Kalafina- むすんでひらく (Musunde Hiraku)
Voice of Sweet Melancholy


She could save the freezing, stone cold world. Yet, they didn’t listen. No matter how many times she sang her heart out, no one cared to listen. Her voice carried a melancholy, melodramatic to it, yet still gave subtle hints of a bright future to come. It shows that the average person has endured many hardships, yet still has a small, fragile ray of hope shining through. The voice of an angel, perhaps. The jet black-wearing angel was the sole person who could warm the hearts those who had grown cold. She knew why they didn’t bat an eye to her- they thought she was a fraud. They believed she didn’t have any talent; she was another girl with their childish dream of success. Despite this, the girl was determined to melt the cold souls of the world in any way she could with her voice.

Featured Song: FictionJunction WAKANA- 水の証 (Mizu no Akashi)

Photo: Screenshot from FictionJunction’s stone cold PV (2011).

I got bored last night, so I did this :XD: