Mai-Hime music (Upd: TV anime “Mai-HiME” / “Mai-Otome” 20th anniversary event with YK & FJ & Hanae on Sept 20, 2025)

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These are great! But Ensei and Mezame are still my favorites.. oh and that "fireflies" is good too.. :XD:
Yup! I agree, and people are probably sick of reading how much I love Ensei, lol. Anyway, it just goes to show how Yuki has so much variety in her compositions, but you guys already know that. The ever brilliant Miss Yuki, we bow to your musical genius! =)

The flash animation with the fireflies has "Ensei no Mashiro" on it.

For piano, I like to (attempt to) play "Ensei no Shizukesa" (I'm such a slow sight reader, but I try. =P) it sounds a bit more hopeful and than the other versions, but at the same time it still has that tinge of sadness. So beautiful. =)
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il0vesunfl0wers said:
I'm not sure how affected guys were by the series compared to us super sappy gals who love chicks flicks with action plus shoujo ai to boot, but let's just say that the fanfics keep coming and just won't die, lol.

The shoujo ai was the main reason I watched it... I mean it was Yuki's music. I swear.
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acid_mouthwash said:
il0vesunfl0wers said:
I'm not sure how affected guys were by the series compared to us super sappy gals who love chicks flicks with action plus shoujo ai to boot, but let's just say that the fanfics keep coming and just won't die, lol.

The shoujo ai was the main reason I watched it... I mean it was Yuki's music. I swear.

Aha! I knew it! :XD: But I guess I was talking more about whether it made left an impression on you to the point of deep ponderings for quite some time, enough to have on going discussions about it. :ohoho:
I heard people claim the ost as one of Yuki'sweaker osts, and I raised a holywar or two about it. It's an awesome ost, and it's unfair that some dislike it only for being more bgm than Noir or Tsubasa. People tend to forget that bgm remains a must for most shows, and Yuki doesn't seem to gain complete artistic freedom with many other directors as she does with Mashimo. But she conquers all forms of soundtrack music, and MaiHime/Otome OSTs are a solid proof.
as for the series, I have yet to watch it. The designs are not much to my personal taste, but the plot is a big twist in the mecha field, which alone makes it worthwhile.
Ooh, I would have raised a shield and sword (or summoned a magic mecha and my badass weapon) and fought along side of you!

Yeah, the designs are not really all that great, but the story and especially the OST more than compensated for it.
bgm = background music.

Also My-HiME OST was definitely sugoi. I wish the Mezame, Himeboshi and It's only a fairy tail instrumentals on OST2 were real off-vocal versions instead of what we got though... I wish people stopped calling Himeboshi 'Ensei'... there's absolutely no reason to call it 'Ensei' when the star in the series is referred to as Himeboshi... didn't we have this convo here before? Did Kajiura ever refer to it as 'Ensei'?

The TV series would've been cool if the ending to every arc wasn't such piece of crap.

I think My-Otome and Xenosaga III might be the weakest OSTs from Kajiura, they had some nice tracks, but then again nothing (except MATERIALISE I guess) we haven't heard on Tsubasa or Xenosaga before...
I used to love My-hime's OST even without knowing it's kajiura's.

well I love My-hime, of course. :shy:
The TV series would've been cool if the ending to every arc wasn't such piece of crap.


There are rumors of a new Mai HiME series that will change stuff from the original series and even continue the story.
But they're just rumors so eh.

Although, a new HiME manga called "exa" came out recently, and it seems it's a re-imagining of the original series.

Kowz said:
The TV series would've been cool if the ending to every arc wasn't such piece of crap.


There are rumors of a new Mai HiME series that will change stuff from the original series and even continue the story.
But they're just rumors so eh.

Although, a new HiME manga called "exa" came out recently, and it seems it's a re-imagining of the original series.

When you say every arc, do you mean every episode or general character arc? The last episode was lame, I must admit, but not all arcs were crappy.

As for the rumors, yeah, I heard about them, too. I've seen a pic and supposed previews.
I hope it's not about the silly loli Mai Otome characters! Who needs more Arika? It looks as if they're picking up where they left off in the original, but there are those lolis in there, which worries me. They had their chance in Mai-Otome already! This should be about the original characters again, dammit.
Whatever happens, I pray for a fantastic OST follow up after the original MH OST!
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il0vesunfl0wers said:
When you say every arc, do you mean every episode or general character arc? The last episode was lame, I must admit, but not all arcs were crappy.

Mostly, I mean episode 15 (last ep of Searrs arc) and episodes 25&26. After good build-ups came big disappointments.
I personally like Erementar Gerad, though I admit it took me about three or four listenings to taste it through. It IS the most light-hearted of Yuki's OSTs, which derives from the spirit of the series itself, but it is high quality and has a lot of catchy arrangements, including some styles that were successfully developed in Tsubasa. The only thing the OST lacks is the vocal pieces - Colours of a Faint Stir remains the brightest flash, but regretfully Everlasting Song didn't impress me as much as other FJ projects.
Same with Xenosaga 3 - the previous part was more diverse in style, and this one could use more vocal tracks, too (well, the few we got were the grandest, at least).
Mai-Otome has brilliant tracks like Gokigenyo and Sei Otome no Inori, but the second OST was... Miscompiled? It really did the album no good to place similar songs in clusters so that the listener has to sit through several versions of each melody in a row.
IMO, Yuki's comparatively weakest work is Blood the Last Vampire video game OST, but even it has some tracks I keep recycling in my player.
Then again, let's face it, minna-san: what is called "weak" in the case of Yuki, would be considered a masterpiece for a dozen of other, more mediocre composers. High status bears high expectations, that's all.
That's likely because Yuki already had other projects going on. But yeah, it just wouldn't be the same without her making the OST! I hope she's fond enough and able to squeeze it into her busy schedule somehow.
Funny reading myself from 14 years ago (since I don't consider Otome soundtracks to be YK's weakest by any stretch at the moment; neither do I really feel that negatively strongly about the finale of each My-HiME arc...) but whatever - it's 14 years later. ;P
My-HiME 20th Anniversary Best Collection CD-BOX (5 discs) incoming

Includes songs so who knows what actually is here. Wonder what the odds are it includes proper instrumentals or acappellas...

If it's just My-HiME then that's a lot of discs...
I guess it could be the 2 anime soundtracks, 1 game soundtrack, 1 best album... and then what's the 5th disc? Oh, guess there's the character song vocal albums...

PS. inb4 a new show also incoming...

タイトル:舞-HiME ~20周年ベストコレクション~

Do these amazon links work for anyone? Does amazon allow anyone to order this already? Curious if it's not available yet or the usual geo-block. snipsnip, there's a new listing that works.
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Does this count as working ? Screenshot_20241103_173436_org.adblockplus.browser.jpgScreenshot_20241103_173425_org.adblockplus.browser.jpg
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