Magia and Yami no Uta

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Re: Re:

ritardando said:
What Alphard Sokaina means is the show of Kalafina's version of Utatane that included in progressive single DVD where Hikaru CAN'T EVEN GET A SINGLE NOTE RIGHT in singing progressive, thus make some people think that she can't sing at all.
Where in the hell I said this? Also, I can't remember if I ever hired an interpreter.
none of them are good, actually.

Wrong. I highly doubt you’ve listened to any NicoNico artist sing without edits- thus, why you would make a sweeping conclusion about all of them. Some don't need studio magix to sound good.

Also, calling people “dear”? Really?

My whole point was that I don't see why many people are holding amateurs with no sound enhancement who recorded themselves singing with a fail!cam to the same standards as professional (and possibly edited) lives or even Vocaloids.

Bolded and enlarged for emphasis. THIS so much. Especially at the comments that say MAJOLICA are horrible sounding period, while dismissing Kalafina’s poor lives as “bad sound”.

Kalafina may be better than MAJOLICA in some aspects (certainly not vocal blending :P) but not by much. Problem is, Kalafina are the ones who are labeling themselves as “professional”- if they take themselves so seriously, there should be a clearer gap between who is getting paid to sing and who isn’t.

Hikaru’s part is not necessarily the easiest- mezzos are the most common, meaning more people have a similar vocal range. In fact, I wish altos were more commonplace/had more prominence so people would stop treating Kalafina’s alto as “Keiko: The Blameless Last Frontier”.
pandaaaa :nosebleed:

they are good, but they don't blend well (except some parts) ^^" and I don't like scream-hikaru >___<
and about MAJOLICA
I think the "yuriko-girl" (because she looks like Yuriko xDD) is the leader...she takes most of the parts, while the "keiko"-girl sings the harmonies, which I think is pretty well done by her. And the last one...well...let's say she's not bad ^^"
“Keiko: The Blameless Last Frontier”


At the risk of sounding naive, that Progressive performance did take place about two feet from a live band. And despite Hikaru's relatively bad performances afterwards, she's never quite hit that low. While I'm not going to say it's bad sound, I do think the live band had a lot to do with it.
@ everyone (esp wintersviolet, ritardando): Please keep the conversation peaceful and nice, personal assaults and firing as well as sarcasm are not allowed by the rules viewtopic.php?f=25&t=3060 (please read if you haven't). If I (or other mod/admin) detect more of these cases in this thread, warning(s) to certain members will be sent and further actions might be taken.
Re: Re:

^ Will do. :)

stormy panda said:
Isn't that a good thing though? It means she is as good as a professional singer. :D

She does sound like Hikaru, which is cool, but my point was she sounds more like scream-Hikaru. ^^; I sometimes wish I could have that style of voice, though. :ohoho:

I try to sing Hikaru's part in Magia, but with only minimal success. I do better with Keiko's parts, since I'm a contralto.