Lets play a game of WHAT IF...

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I'll be a good hamster who would be called Hamuzou... or whatever... :ohoho:

What if you accidentally spilt hot tea on Kajiura on your first unattempted meeting..? :plot:
I would use it as an excuse to meet Kalafina :knife:

What if you WERE Kajiura for a day?
Kajiura is close to Keiko, right? /shot I'd tweet mentioning all of you.


What if you had to win an audition for a singing competition to meet Kalafina?
I'd try... :ohoho:

What if you are touring Kalafina in a country they don't know and they suddenly got lost and you don't know where to find them..?

(We other fans will hunt you down, for sure...) :knife:
You say that as if I wouldn't do it on purpose... :plot: Well, it'd be nice for them to sightsee, I guess. As long as it wouldn't worry them too much.

What if you woke up the next morning and you had carrots growing from your head instead of hair?
:uh..: I suppose I would blame you for using black magic against me.

What if you enter a coma?
then i am in heavens :TdT: i will never return to my country EVER!

What if you could transfer your self to into a car?
I'd be a Transformer. :sparkleguy:

What if you had to choose one book's canon to live in for a day?
not quite get what you meant but if you mean by had to live in for a day with one of the book author sure, than it would be jonathan stroud or Jill Mansell.

What if you had to cancel one of the kalafina's concert just because you lost one of your leg on the way to concert?
I won't cancel it, I would crawl my way instead

What if Yuki is mad at you?
I would say to her, "Please don't be mad at me! I've never said anything bad about you! Be mad at those rude, insulting, annoying infuriating girugamesh fans instead!" :ohoho:

What if you could rearrange a Kalafina/FJ song?
Why would i wanna change the song..Nah better leave them as it is.

What if you could create your own Kalafina?
I cant make any better one than the original Kalafina :love:

what if every week ur city is attacked by giant moster and Ultraman always fights it ?
I would ask Ultraman to take me away from here.

What if you could become invisible?
A lot less people would feel secure in their bath.

What if there were no aswers to this question?
then theres nothing much left to say :tea:

What if you wanted to avoid someone but this certain someone keeps following you?
I can act as if that someone doesn't exist

What if there was a crocodile in front of you?
:fwa: i donno maybe if it is not in a cage i will run for my life..but if it is in a cage then i feed em.

What if you were thrown into a deserted island ?