Let's make Kalafina memes!!

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Time to bring this back, for inspiration has struck while I browse the random photos I have saved on my computer...

Dat reaction when Sony cuts out the best MC part and two highly anticipated songs from a highly anticipated live release

Awwww you guys :shy: :chuu: Thank you for your kind words (and meme! :ohoho: ) :dote: This forum is one of the last bastion of joys in my life lol :touched:

Also HNNNNGGGGHHHH dat Wakana Music Fair Ahh~ gif needs to come with a heart condition warning, because I just flatlined. Also I cannot physically withstand Keiko's bishounen stare *gulps* :nosebleed: :nosebleed:

Anyways! This is apparently going to be my 4000th post :w00t: So in celebration of that, because I thought I might as well break #4000 with pizzazz, and what better thread than this one... :ohoho:

'The Hika-OOH Face'

And in that moment, we were all Hikaru. Hika-OOH also applicable when Wakana shows collarbone (at least for me) :psst: :punched: :imdead:

These two are a set.


Macho-senpai ain't mad. Are you? :psst: :punched:

I also come bearing gifs! Hope you enjoy Kalafina Memes: Reaction Gifs Edition. and please don't kill me too much :desksweat: :innocent: eventhoughIhavenoregrets :ohoho:


Admit it, you all know this needed to be done. :ohoho: WERK IT, PIKA :idol: bonus Waka hip-sway :plot:


Have some more care-factor-zero Waka-Sass-machine, keepin' it real :psst: :plot: :punched:


Have some sassy Keiko :plot:


Macho-senpai ain't got time for your shenanigans :ohoho:


Whenever you need to nope away - a sprightly Nope-karu :ohoho:


And finally, for all your feelsy needs, here's a Feel-karu.

...This is probably not what I should be doing on weeknights when finals are coming up... :ohoho: :punched: :ouch: :blood: :imdead:
Hope ya had fun, guys! :psst:
@Cerise and everyone, someday I'll grab some of these memes, especially gifs from here and use them as reply on Twitter.

How awesome would that get.

Omg wanna contribute to this thread soon

Keep the awesomeness coming, everyone \m/

yes feed me me moar WaaKei OTP of the century

Also just bear with me, I swear I this isn't going to happen every single time I log on, I just couldn't resist after going through some of the pictures I forgot I had saved on my hard drive...


Hell yeah, she got da moves like Jagger. 2009 Hiichan knew how to werk it, dayumn :psst:


Based on a true Kalafina blog story :XD:
(for those of you who don't remember, that one time our special snowflake Wakashark turned up to a staff meeting the day before it was supposed to be XD)


Bro-kana has got your back, pal. :goodjob:


"When you in the middle of filmin' a PV but the staff start cooking gyoza on the set"

in fact it is well documented that a Wakashark can detect a single particle of Gyoza in the air from well over 100 metres away


Casanova Pika-sama sweeping us all off our feet. Macho-senpai ain't got nuthin' on this. :plot:

Ok I am done for real now. at least until I find more hilarious screencaps to memify :punched: :ouch: :ohoho:
my gaaaawd Cerise-san you're the best!!!:XD::XD::goodjob:
and that kusony
XD *gomenneee Aki-san i just realize that this is yours! gomenneeeeee...*:bow:

lemme try this too... sorry i don't own any meme generator nor brain full-of-great-ideas like Cerise-san's... :ohoho:




... this is my first time memefy things, so, sorry if any of these are weird XD
and meme of my life...


any architecture students here? (i'm dying drawing ded and re-thinking these rejected designs...) :blood:


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