Let's have some serious Kajiura discussion, for once.

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Destinii Haruya

This is now CPM's semi-official spam-free thread.

Serious discussion #1.

What is your favorite Kajiura song, and why? Answer in at least one paragraph.
One of my top favourite songs by Yuki, is, and will remain, Shinkai no Kodoku, because its so great, the maelody is perfect and the violin is really touching, the lyrics are touchinf too and Houko Kuwashima sings it so well *_* :love: :love:
hmmm... difficult to decide.... it's really difficult... @_@
and we must choose a "song"? :confu:
my choice:
"幻想楽園 (gensou rakuen)" by Yuriko Kaida :hearts: :dote: (you can look @ my last.fm play count).

I love its arrangement, the rythem, the catchy melody, and Yuriko's lovely voice! especially the middle phrases, it even makes me want to fly into the vast sky. and the last part, Yuriko's chorus is soaring over the melody againg and again. the whole song gives me the feeling of a beautiful scape: clouds floating in a golden sunset, evening breeze blows over a green plain; gtass rustle, also a minstrel's long hair; birds fly with the wind, their songs echo with the minstrel's harp...

^ my first-impress-writing is too bad to be shown in regular size, sorry... :desksweat:
a song? or a track?

fave song from her is Himitsu, but a track called Cannabinoids amazes me even better than Himitsu ^^

as for Why ... because I'm impressed by their uniqueness, dark aura and ambient?
and of course the vocal ... (is it Yuki's?) :plot:
there are so many so different ones, it must be impossible to choose...
but to pick one
to represent all her works
I would choose "Sajin no Kanata e" (despite not being 100% yuki) - because I love the melody and the lyrics, and it's even got the kajiurago lines in it too. And all the vocalists!
Oh a favourite kajiura song... hm that is hard indeed...
On lastfm the track i listenened most was Inca Rose with 555(oh lucky number :XD: ) total play times, i rly like it bk it is relaxing, dreamy and romantic, also i have a tendency to like cycle things or backgrounds like canon in D, but atm i think the one i like most is Mata Kaze ga Tsuyokunatta just bk i love to hear them screaming :ohoho:
I would choose "Sajin no Kanata e" (despite not being 100% yuki) - because I love the melody and the lyrics, and it's even got the kajiurago lines in it too. And all the vocalists!

I thought it was english!!?!?!?!?
Ah...it's very hard to choose...my first impression with Yuki's work is "ship of fool" from Tsubasa Chronicle, but my favourite song..I think it's "Hitomi no Kakera" because of the meaning of the song and the style of Yuki's melody and Yuuka's voice in that song...I love it so much :dote: .
Kaze no machi.

It is a very soft yet it brings the listener to new places in his/her head.
Best Years in Our Lives from Tsubasa Chronicle OST - Future Soundscape I

Because it's very pretty and clean, and I those lively Yuki songs are my favourites.
But I don't think it's really my favourite song, it depends too much on my mood.

aargg now after listening more the Tsubasa OSTs i'm hesitating with:
femme from Tsubasa Chronicle OST Future Soundscape III

Because I love that melody and those instruments : Cello and Piano =D
Maybe Tomorrow is my favorite song composed by Yuki Kajiura and sang by Emily Curtis. {But I love Gloria, too}

I just like it, because is so peaceful and the voice match really good, but I wonder why Emily Bindiger didn't sing it. That song makes me feel more powerful and see the world in other way, hoping that everything is alright and always something good is going to happen, and even something bad happens it's better to find a positive side, being sincere with yourself and everything around you.
same as above. Well can't say its really my fav since my Kajiura fav. always changes but i came to realize that Maybe Tomorrow is my Kajiura evergreen song since i can listen to it any time and i never care to skip it (like i do with some other songs).

Aside from what Agape already said the main fact i really love this song is the beautiful balance between vocal part and strong instrumental/orchestral part. Its really rare and hard to come across a song build like that. I feel like i can say its really equal on both parts (vocal and instrumental) while most other vocal songs have some puny solos which are there just to fill gaps.
After a long time, I finally picked Calling to be my favorite. But seriously, Yuki's songs are all great. I just happen to listen to Calling more than the rest. It's very peaceful feeling and I love the melody. :dote: