KnK stream with unreleased bgms for Shiki Birthday (2025 stream: 2025年2月16日(日)18:00~2月17日(月)00:10 )

afaict, started with Full+Instrumental+A cappella galore for the first movie.

Edit: and it still has the background noise for immersion. Ufotable plz. -_-

Why do they do this to us. Just release that 20disc set with demos and instrumentals and a cappellas like @Azokad said.
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No sound effects in knk5-7... but back now for recalled out summer... jfc...
Hope they repeat the first 3 movie sets without the background sound effects... but with our luck... eh.

skipping through knk5 I think it has 2 different layers of "magician" included. not sure about the rest, been a while since I sat down and listened to knk.

heck yea, no sfx knk1 repeat. plz dont come back for knk2 and 3. plzplzplzplzplz dont.

whoa, skipped knk2 repeat. maybe after 3. thankfully it seems like still no sfx. (though I did hear a car passing by at the end of knk1 repeat... so who the hell knows... will have to pay attention when sorting it out...)
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It's unfortunate they didn't repeat knk2. :(
Pretty sure that one had a new unreleased track. Background sfx will have to do. :|
I hope the second knk1 run was really sfx free, like it seemed. I really wasn't expecting those instrumentals and acappellas.

Will start sorting through it soon as the stream is done.

knk1 2nd run really does have a fucking car passing by every now and then, jfc ufotable get a grip. :|
in the garden of sinners instrumental (car passing by) - is available sfxfree in the 2022 stream rip if I remember correctly (oh, in case this is any different, they fit a repeat of the instrumental at the end of this set and it's sfxfree)
in the garden of sinners acappella (sfx free, afaict)
After listening once I think Fion's and Hanae's vocals and instrumentals are sfxfree too, thank goodness.

stream still going but no music so I guess it's about to be done. kay, done.
going to walk my dog now and then work my way through the stream.

last year they had reprises of previous streams. would be nice if they had them this year too. particularly since I didn't save last years. ;_;

ohboi... it will take a while...
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Ok. Busy day.
The stream is down. And by your comments I’ve totally missed the party.

Let me leap from the precipice of the rooftop.
No worries. I got you. It will just take a while... I'm checking for those bloody sfx... and comparing against OST... There's really a lot of alts in just knk1...

Though if you want to listen to the whole stream it's probably on bili, too.

I'm still on KNK1. So far it's basically the whole OST in order and with bonus alts (so Hanae's suicide track plays 4 times, movie ver, music collection, instrumental, music collection vocal). Thus far they skipped only M08c (but played M08b twice, they were identical sans a car passing by on the second time...) and with this order of BGMs we can basically now confirm the unreleased track from 2022s stream as M10 since they play it between M09 and M11... Even more fun, they also included an alt version... They skipped M12+13, too. Oh and ufotable, F YO CAR @M18 alt. (Edit: oh thank god there was a clean version in 2022's stream, lol.)

I really hope they release some multi disc OST with bonus tracks... They can't keep torturing us with this shite youtube quality and SFX... Alas they probably will just do that...
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I'll upload the first movie tracks before I start on knk2 cause god knows how I rage if it's similar to knk1 but with noise...
oh i remember this...

ufotable thinking adding car and construction noise is such a good idea in their shiki streams... what joy.

was there anything juicy? something so good that it was criminal to leave out of release?

hopefully they will release the whole thing. just name everything M1245048948, that's what we had last time anyway :/
knk01 alts for now on mega:
look few posts below for movies#1-3

They played the KNK1 set twice during the stream, once with low level outside ambiance and once with a damn car passing by. If you want to know why, ask ufotable. Immersion, I guess. These rips should be SFX free - I used the 2022 stream for tracks which were superior there.

The KNK1 set consists of almost every track from the tokuten OST in order. m01(full version), m08c and m12+13 were omitted from the stream for some reason. For certain tracks they played alternative versions after their respective OST versions. Those alt versions are included above - cut out directly from youtube's stream. Unused m10 as well. I did not include OST tracks.

I'll try getting through the next two movies before going to bed... I've not really checked them out so I don't know if the approach was similar to KNK1. knk2 only played once in the stream and with background noise (Edit: yep, it's the same as knk1 - ost versions followed by alts we'll see how many, get ready for the noise). knk3 was demos again.

knk2 two posts below
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Ok, so knk2 tokuten OST EXTRA is the unused M05. Ohho, m22 with two alts... Can we get that 20disc OST?
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thanks grunty for the first batch! I especially love the vocal alternates where you can clearly hear Keiko sing along Wakana. (for some reason m04 alt vocal reminds me of siren song from tsubasa in terms of vocals)
btw just found this on YT

going to walk my dog now and then work my way through the stream.
THB sometimes it seems to me like its the dog that is walking its human, because if the dog didnt need walk 3 times per day, then alot of the owners would go out of their home much less XD
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knk02 alts for now on mega:
look few posts below for movies#1-3

This KNK2 set was played once with background ambiance SFX, although few tracks got repeated. Same situation as the KNK1 set - alternates next to tokuten OST versions. The unused m22 (presumably) is included, along with alts. The unused m05 is the track called "EXTRA" on the tokuten OST. I included two alts from the 2022 stream again, because of SFX.
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This KNK2 set was played once with background ambiance SFX, although few tracks got repeated. Same situation as the KNK1 set - alternates next to tokuten OST versions. The unused m05 is the track called "EXTRA" on the tokuten OST. I included two alts from the 2022 stream again, because of SFX.
There is no m05 on the folder.
Onto knk3... maybe we get the full ost in demo form now, lol. (Edit: Nope. m12, m13+14 demos missing.)

Ah yes... my old friend returns... the car...

Eh. The 2022 stream is more quiet. Should I edit a FLAC out of this louder one or just include the old one and call it a day? I dunno what to do. o_0
Hmm, maybe I can just add a replay gain to the old m4a...

Very sweet, outside of the first track everything seems usable from this knk3 set, no editing needed.
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