KnK stream with unreleased bgms for Shiki Birthday (2025 stream: 2025年2月16日(日)18:00~2月17日(月)00:10 )

not to be ungrateful but plz2release, etc. fuck these streams and teasing.
THEY MUST RELEASE IT! NO way they re going to just play them in this stream!

I mean people are busy (esp in Japan lol) they cant be listening to the stream all day and night lol
Mirai Fukuin music hasn't a proper release, what about a re-release of the Music Collection adding that movie OST + demo pieces??? ;)
@george1234 nothing is certain

Eh, I don't want to get my hopes up. :| There's too much unreleased shit anyways.

also audio still hissing after 50 minutes on the save from start one. patiently waiting 'til I catch up and know if it's broken or not, lol. gone after 2hours, starting with the second loop
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I think this if i cry by Kajiura confirms that she can actually sing the way she did in Madlax's Saints and that wasnt an error of the booklet.

there's no hissing on my end.
There's no hissing on the live version I am saving either. But that's not the one I'm talking about.
Patiently waiting for you rip
Patiently waiting for the next bundle of loops
Patiently waiting for that in the garden of sinners Maaya Sakamoto/Fion/Wakana ver. lol
I wonder if this is going to work from the same place if I started downloading on wednesday hurr. I mean, there's sadly no way I'm leaving it running for 3 days while I'm gone and all. :(
btw the link to the stream in on the first post of this thread.

my attempt to save stream with vlc didnt work so good luck gronti :)

@yuki.n is also recording
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Seems like the 6th movie doesnt have much stuff they loop 4-5 tracks only, one of which is mostly the fairytale instrumental from the single
Ma ne... can't have it all.
To be honest, if they have no intention of releasing an expanded KNK music set, I'd rather them play released music than unreleased and edits.
But that's me... F this 128kbit stream garbage.
Oh! They looped to the beginning of the stream! (This is the set that had static in what I am saving.) There was one more set (knk2) before we all tuned in. We'll see if it's the same knk2 one after this set.

Guess I can start cutting this shit up after this one ends.
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SETs 01 through 07 on mega, "cpm"

Set 4 is the good stuff, with Kajiura DEMOS of tracks.

Random stuff:
Set 1 is hissing. I assume that's how it streamed since it disappeared with the 2nd set. My live-from-start stream begain in the middle of 01_05 but I started counting from the first full track in it.

Set 2 has random SFX, different in every loop. Tried picking the best version for each track but there's still a random BUZZ/hammer here and there.

Sets 3 and up should be decent, tried picking the best versions. Set 8 is a repeat of Set 6 from what I could tell so I skipped it.
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