Kara no Kyoukai Epilogue +BDBOX

Melvin said there's a special page with message from Yuki Kajiura on KnK's webpage.
Ok, it is impossible to copy and past the message so I don't know what it means at all :XD: Oh my god the message is quite big :XD:
For the lazy bums.
Actually you didn't post the full message, but most of us won't be able to read it anyway :uh..:
haha indeed, I only want to take the part she mentioned Kalafina, actually :plot:

*is shot* :imdead:
Gosh, if they didn't post the message in flash I would have been able to at least translate it in google translator :uh..:
Now I will have to turn the Japanese websites upside down :uh..: (But I'll most probably do this tomorrow).
Okay, not only Japan fans, HK fans have gotten their hands on it, too. My buddy just posted his BD Boxset on plurk :XD:
God, nicovideo is really fast. As soon as someone uploaded something related with the epilogue, it was soon removed :XD:
Huh, can you guys actually watch this video? I don't know why but I can't :uh..:
I was referring to the epilogue part, I know the first minutes are made by the uploader. There's no snow falling official preview, so I was surprised. Extracted from OVA, then.