So I'm a really big fan of the songs played during fight scenes in Kara no Kyoukai and I love to listen to them in a playlist over and over again! But the problem I had was that usually, half of the song is just background noise D: So that's how this project got started!
I decided to pick out the songs that best represent the fight scenes and the mood of them in each movie and mix them together in a way that flowed well! And the result is an almost 30 minute song ._. (Blame it on the epic-ness of the Paradox Spiral!) So here it is for you all to enjoy too!
Just incase you wanted to know which parts are from which song here is the order mixed and played. The first number represents which movie the song is from:
1 - M03 (Second Half)
1 - M13
2 - M19
3 - M19+20
4 - M01+02 (First few seconds)
4 - M15+16+17
5 - M13
5 - M12
5 - M23 (Last section)
5 - M24
5 - M23 (First section)
6 - M13
6 - M15+16+17
1 - M01
1 - M15
So yea, as you can see, the 5th movie got a lot of music (but it's also the longest movie!) I hope everyone enjoys and I want to know what everyone thinks of it! This is my first time mixing music so I might not be that good at it
I decided to pick out the songs that best represent the fight scenes and the mood of them in each movie and mix them together in a way that flowed well! And the result is an almost 30 minute song ._. (Blame it on the epic-ness of the Paradox Spiral!) So here it is for you all to enjoy too!
Just incase you wanted to know which parts are from which song here is the order mixed and played. The first number represents which movie the song is from:
1 - M03 (Second Half)
1 - M13
2 - M19
3 - M19+20
4 - M01+02 (First few seconds)
4 - M15+16+17
5 - M13
5 - M12
5 - M23 (Last section)
5 - M24
5 - M23 (First section)
6 - M13
6 - M15+16+17
1 - M01
1 - M15
So yea, as you can see, the 5th movie got a lot of music (but it's also the longest movie!) I hope everyone enjoys and I want to know what everyone thinks of it! This is my first time mixing music so I might not be that good at it