Kalafina Special LIVE in Hong Kong 2014年5月31日



「Kalafina Special LIVE in Hong Kong 2014」開催決定!!


「Kalafina Special LIVE in Hong Kong 2014」開催決定!!

Support Member











チケット料金:香港ドル980 / 780 / 580 (全指定席)

主催:ED Production Limited


(Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/edproductionhk)

(Twitter: edproductionhk)


Also at: http://blog.oricon.co.jp/kalafina/archive/949/0

「Kalafina Special LIVE in Hong Kong 2014」開催決定!!

Support Member

チケット料金:香港ドル980 / 780 / 580 (全指定席)
主催:ED Production Limited
(Twitter: edproductionhk)

^Yes, same guys. They asked the crowd who went for YK if they wanted to see Kalafina and here they are.

The lack of violin bothers me. =/
I had hoped it was a mistake but if the Kalafina blog doesn't mention the violin either, I think it's safe to say that HITOSHI isn't free.

Decisions... decisions.
Whoa. 论刷存在感的重要性
Wonder do we still get the dining chair treatment like the one in Kowloon or is Youth Square better.
I see no pictures of the overview on Facebook and wikis. ಠ_ಠ

Annnd there has to be a violinist right? I can't imagine Kalafina songs w/o the violin.
Indeed. Kimi no gin no niwa wouldn't be the same without a live violin. It's the song I was looking forward to the most. This certainly makes it less likely for me to attend... Please let the listing be a mistake. Please, let it be a mistake.
I actually didn't like Todo's violin as much in vol. 9, but it certainly beats having no live violin. He has never done Kalafina before though. Hasn't it always been Konno for Kalafina, aside from the first few lives?

LisAni.. don't fail me now. Let me listen to a live version of Kimi no Gin no Niwa.
Indeed. Kimi no gin no niwa wouldn't be the same without a live violin. It's the song I was looking forward to the most. This certainly makes it less likely for me to attend... Please let the listing be a mistake. Please, let it be a mistake.
I actually didn't like Todo's violin as much in vol. 9, but it certainly beats having no live violin. He has never done Kalafina before though. Hasn't it always been Konno for Kalafina, aside from the first few lives?

LisAni.. don't fail me now. Let me listen to a live version of Kimi no Gin no Niwa.

Cya in Hong Kong!
That's a shame, if Hitoshi Konno isn't available, Masahiko Todo would be fine: http://canta-per-me.net/live-events/2012-yk9-4/

I like live events to be as live as possible - the music has to breathe and that's difficult if it's tied to a pre-recorded violin (or flute) track.
Masahiko Todo is in Konno's string quartet though.., he may be not available as well if what made Konno unavailable is the string quartet work schedule. But like George said, we still have Minagawa Marina or even Kido Kiyo who joined in some recordings of Kalafina.
ED Production has confirmed on its Facebook page (on 28 March I think) that Konno is unavailable so he’ll not be performing in this live.
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Whoa. 论刷存在感的重要性
Wonder do we still get the dining chair treatment like the one in Kowloon or is Youth Square better.
I see no pictures of the overview on Facebook and wikis. ಠ_ಠ

Annnd there has to be a violinist right? I can't imagine Kalafina songs w/o the violin.

Reading ED production's post about the venue accommodating around 600, I think Youth Square's Y theatre might be it.

If the link to the pdf doesnt, work, use this link to bring up that document above
Hi bevan. Thanks for your reply and posting the PDF.

Truth be told I kinda gave up upon seeing 600. Lol.
18th April we'll see.