Kalafina Official Youtube Channel


Kalafina's Official YT Channel (about time)

(for some stupid reason their official YT channel isnt available)

Kalafina Official YouTube Channelオープン!

3/14(水)正午12時より、ソニーミュージックYou Tubeチャンネルに「Kalafina Official YouTube Channel」がスタート!
New Single「to the beginning」のショートver.や過去のミュージックビデオなど、見どころ満載!

配信期間:3/14(水) 正午12時~5/18(金) 正午12時
Google translator helped me LOL
What I'm curious about is when they will air To the Beginning's PV or whatever it is they will do.
lol looking at how they do things, I bet they will eventually prolong this channel into forever like how they did with the (useless) staff twitter :TdT:

and... lol kusony. short version? That's so avex.
It's opening on 12PM JST lol.

my friend said it will be available only for Japanese IP but I'm not sure yet.

Yuki88 said:
my friend said it will be available only for Japanese IP but I'm not sure yet.
It's the most stupid thing they can do.
tsubasa said:
Kalafina's Official YT Channel (about time)
^ What he said. :plot:
Alphard Sokaina said:
Yuki88 said:
my friend said it will be available only for Japanese IP but I'm not sure yet.
It's the most stupid thing they can do.
Agreed. :uh..:

The IT-savvy should have no problem finding some workarounds, though... :psst:

Yuki88 said:
my friend said it will be available only for Japanese IP but I'm not sure yet.

And this is the same Sony that had Kala going to Boston and releasing Seventh Heaven on Amazon to make them known across the world? :confu:
First PMMM Online, then Kalafina youtube channel... Soooooooonyyyyyyyy :knife: :knife: :knife:

The IT-savvy should have no problem finding some workarounds, though...

ah, so there IS a way to "emulate" a foreign IP? :stars: :plot:
So this channel's also going to have their past PVs on it...knowing that, I'd say there's a 99% chance it'll be for Japan only.

I'm going to check it around midnight tonight, though, since it's supposed to open at noon according to the information :plot:
Saw the videos on the channel already. Nothing exciting there (yet) to be honest. They uploaded all of Kala's past PVs in full and "to the beginning" is only a 1min34sec short clip (the part they showed was from the beginning of the PV until the first refrain). :ohoho:
the Youtube channel is only available with Japanese IP. .how unfortunate