Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2010 ~progressive + ~


gilsa [url:1krcx4oz]http://gillsa.blog64.fc2.com/blog-entry-301.html[/url] said:
消息來源:Fiction Junction CLUB http://www.spacecraft.co.jp/fjc/info.html

東京・大阪・名古屋を巡るKalafinaの1st LIVE TOUR
**Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2010 ~progressive+(プログレッシブプラス)~**

● 2010年2月2日(火)
大阪会場:umeda AKASO http://www.akaso.jp/ 18:00開場 19:00開演

● 2010年2月3日(水)
名古屋会場:ボトムライン名古屋 http://www.bottomline.co.jp/index.html 18:00開場 19:00開演

● 2010年2月9日(火)
東京会場:Shibuya O-EAST http://shibuya-o.com/east_info/?S_name=east 18:00開場 19:00開演

FC先行予約單張今天已寄出,entry 10月31開始
FC Event的詳情也同時寄出了,申請從10月26開始

怎麼這麼突然來個LIVE TOUR....
這次也真的要認真考慮出個DVD了吧?! 我不要每次只看一點點,很不夠 ・゚・(ノД`)・゚・。
morph (regular) + Winter + Live Tour + Summer
辛苦了 x)

I think the FJ Club post talks about a new Fan Club event too...

source:Fiction Junction CLUB

Kalafina's 1st LIVE TOUR in Tokyo・Osaka・Nagoya
**Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2010 ~progressive+(progressive plus)~**

● 2010/2/2(火)
Osaka:umeda AKASO 18:00opens 19:00starts
sitting arrangement:Standing
fees:¥5,000(w/ tax)+drink separates

● 2010/2/3(水)
Nagoya:ボトムライン名古屋 18:00opens 19:00starts
sitting arrangement:Standing
fees:¥5,000(w/ tax)+drink separates

● 2010/2/9(火)
Tokyo:Shibuya O-EAST 18:00opens 19:00starts
sitting arrangement:Standing
fees:¥5,000(w/ tax)+drink separates

ticket's orders for FanClub members will be accepted starting from 10/31 to ?
information about ticket ordering will be sent out through mail, along with info about the FanClub Event, which is open for entry starting from 10/26

And about the 2nd FJC Event

2009/12/12(土) + 13(日) 

the drink tickets are usually around 500yen, you can get a drink (beer, soft drink, etc.) at the bar XD"...
It makes no sense for the tour to be ~progressive~ 4 months after the release of the single.

george1234 said:
what is that "progressive plus" thing ? @_@
the pronunciation for "progressive+"

the title is "Kalafina LIVE TOUR 2010 ~progressive+"
The Kajiura curse doesnt have effect on FictionJunction though :ohoho:

they released:
1. Destination
2. circus
3. Everlasting Songs

and they probably going to release 4th if Yuki decides to release more singles for FJ than Parallel Hearts :comeback:
Destination and circus were FJY shile Everlasting Songs is FJ only so technically Kajura Yuki curse still applies :P
I kinda....want to go see it :ohoho:

But...its sooo far away...and soo expensive...and I couldn't speak a single word other than hello, thank you, and good afternoon :uh..:

I guess I can wait for the DVD then :cry: