Kalafina LIVE Spring TOUR 2011 “Magia”

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Oh, I missed Kyoichi-san! Or, as Kajiura-sensei calls him, Kyo-sama :plot: Thanks Keiri, and thanks for the help on linking in images too! :bow:

ninetales said:
Uh...will I be able to actually buy the bag? :uh..: I can't read the info at the top...
With regards to the info at the top, it only mentions that people who do not have tickets to the live can also purchase the goods, the sales of goods will close 30 minutes before the live, and depending on how things go, they may change the (closing?) time (earlier or later) of sales accordingly.
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Jr. Tweet made me....T_____T..... Hope Magia live tour bring the Magia in the real life to Japan.. If I can went to see their live tour at once to support them.... :cry:

HitoshiSan gazing Keiko's playing made me feel like he is this onion.... :plot: .

I want the pamphlet...>_____<.....Hope they will sell it on some website..>_____<.

Keiri said:
ninetales said:
Thanks :shy: How exactly do you link in the images themselves??
Just post the link in between the image tags like this:


The link has to end in one of the image file format extensions e.g. ".jpg", ".png" etc.
Keiri, Thanks for the pics, but what you did is a bad manner in the online society called "Hot Link" (aka 'bandwith theft')

You shouldn't use the url of file/pic posted by another one to post the image in another place. You should save it in your computer and upload it again by yourself. yfrog is a free host with very large bandwith, so it may not have much effect, but some hosts have very limitted monthly bandwith, and if the pics are hotlinked too much, the bandwith tended to be exceeded and the uploaded link may be deleted by the host or disable until it gains the bandwith allowance back in the next month. (It happens so often with photobucket.) The worst case is when the original host is not free...the uploader must PAY for the exceeded bandwith... :uh..: ..that's why it's considered as a bad manner.

BTW, if you just want to share the pic, post only the link is a good choice because the pic uploader won't lose their bandwith if no one clicks the link to see the pic. But CPM is a kind of webboard that we post everything in the same thread, so the pic uploader loses the bandwith everytime that we enter to the thread (even we don't want to see the pic, or we have seen that pic yesterday and go back to the same thread again today.) That should be a good alternative way...

3月27日、大阪から行われる全国ツアー『Kalafina LIVE Spring TOUR2011“Magia”』に関しまして公演開催をご心配されている方も多いかと存じますが、現段階では実施 の方向で準備を進めております。但し、政府機関より、全国規模での電力の規制、その他緊急の事態が起こった場合は、 やむを得ず公演を見合わせる場合がございます。変更等あった場合はオフィシャルホームページ等で発表させていただきますのでご注意ください。なお今回のコンサートの主旨を変更し~東北地方太平洋沖地震被災者救済支援コンサート~と致しまして、コンサート収益金を義援金として日本赤十字社を通じて寄付させて頂く運びとなりました。微力ながら被災された皆様のお力になれるよう願っております。またそれぞれの会場にて募金箱を設けさせて頂きますので、ご来場頂ける皆様には是非ともご協力をお願い致します。

I think it says that some concert of the tour might be postponed in case of emergency of government says so. They will make new announcements if something like that happens Also it too methions that the concert proceeds will be donated to the Japanese Red Cross for the catastrople victims.

The newer announcement i think that it says that some people under circumstances (the ones that were victims?) can refund their tickets.
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Kagaribi no Hanabira said:
You should save it in your computer and upload it again by yourself.
No worries. That's what I did with Kajiura's own twitter photos. I saved the photos and uploaded them onto my own yfrog account and hotlinked them here. I didn't hotlink them from Kajiura's twitpic account. I shall do the same for the other yfrog pics next time too. ^^

Kagaribi no Hanabira said:
BTW, if you just want to share the pic, post only the link is a good choice because the pic uploader won't lose their bandwith if no one clicks the link to see the pic. But CPM is a kind of webboard that we post everything in the same thread, so the pic uploader loses the bandwith everytime that we enter to the thread (even we don't want to see the pic, or we have seen that pic yesterday and go back to the same thread again today.) That should be a good alternative way...
Okay, I'll post only the links next time then. :)
^I guess that if it has, it should be very very large...(otherwise, what will happen when JB or Lady Gaga posted a pic in their twitters... :XD: .) I think that imageshack is another account that doesn't have individual user bandwith limit, but it checks bandwith usage pic by pic and the pics that the host justifies that it uses too large bandwith are automatically removed. BTW...I don't know the bandwith detail of all pic hosts in the world..so I think that it would be better to avoid hotlink..

In fact, I haven't concerned much about the bad effects of hotlinking until my photobucket host exceeded its bandwith EVERY MONTH for 2-3 months, and I found later that a member in my webboard who doesn't know about hotlink hotlinked my pics to another webboard that posting all things in the same thread...similar to here, but it's worse coz one page contains about 50 or 100 comments. :uh..:
Double Post...Sorry..Orz... Today, Yuki posted the link of Kalafina's blog in her tweet...they updated the pic from today's live in the blog... :sparkleguy:

I like their costume...Hikaru looks like she has a fabric blue rose on her right shoulder.. :XD: .
【Kalafina LIVE Spring TOUR “Magia” 2011 @ NHK Osaka Hall】 Set List

3.Yami no Uta

-MC 1-

4.Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni wa

-Performance by the band members-
when the fairy tale ends

9.red moon

-MC 2-

11.love come down

-MC 3-

16.snow falling



-MC 4-

20.I have a dream
21.Hikari no Senritsu

^ OMG this has to be the first instrumental performance for Yuki ever !! :dote: :dote: :nosebleed:

hey I think the instrumental counts as separate track, unless she connected it with fairytale somehow.

Thanks for the setlist!
-Performance by the band members-
when the fairy tale ends

my prayers were heard for the second time in a year... :touched: Seriously, I'm getting nervous... :XD:
Although the setlist looks good enough by itself, even. Oblivious, Adore, Magia, Hikari no Senritsu, Yami no Uta, Sprinter, Symphonia... :love: but still no Lirica :wai:
I just love Hikaru's dress :shy: And wonder why they never perform Lirica :uh..:
Oh I like the flow of the setlist. Quite okay, though it's kinda weird to see serenato RIGHT AFTER Magia :XD: