Kalafina in Guangzhou

  • Thread starter Thread starter Yuki88
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Hmmm this is quite the news. I always thought Japan and China were good, but now I can see what's going on.
Re: Re:

Yuki88 said:
george1234 said:
Was it postponed for next year or will do it sometime later this year ?

postponed until unknown date. :ghost:

As long as Japan & China's problem(s) not end, it will be postponed forever....

Aw man, I didn't even think this political mess would have an effect on their lives. :omg:

It's for the best though, from what I've heard the xenophobia (well, just specifically against the Japanese) is crazy right now. Talk of boycotting anything Japanese and burning down buildings. A Singaporean member at another forum I frequent even said she got lectured and fussed at in public by strangers just for listening to Japanese music on her Ipod. The girls don't need to be caught up in that mess.

Chanson Princesse said:
Aw man, I didn't even think this political mess would have an effect on their lives. :omg:

It's for the best though, from what I've heard the xenophobia (well, just specifically against the Japanese) is crazy right now. Talk of boycotting anything Japanese and burning down buildings. A Singaporean member at another forum I frequent even said she got lectured and fussed at in public by strangers just for listening to Japanese music on her Ipod. The girls don't need to be caught up in that mess.

Is that bad? Wow!
I agree, as long as they're not in terms, I don't think Kalafina will be able to perform in Guangzhou.
Sounds as if could get dangerous... :omg:
What a pity, though... :uh..:

Let's look at the positive aspects: there are lots of Chinese fans in spite of these kind of problems! :sparkleguy:
it is really an important and sensitive time between china and japan,
In all probability, i think it will be cancelled

「第四届 穂港澳ACG動漫游戯展 2010広州」出演辞退のお知らせ

2010年10月4日、5日に出演を予定しておりました「第四届 穂港澳ACG動漫游戯展 2010広州」ですが、昨今の状況をみて、出演を辞退させて頂くこととなりました。
これからもKalafina の応援、よろしくお願いします。


Kalafina has officially withdrawn from ACG Guangzhou 2010. Obviously. Rather late announcement, though.

george1234 said:
hey the Octomber 6 thing is cancelled too, right ?

Well it said postponed, but who knows when it will be continued. Political things tend to be long and unfinished.
Safe to say it's cancelled, too.