Kalafina "Consolation" Special Live 2013 & Live Tour

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Hmmm... I just arrived in Japan the other day and one of my Grand Ambitions while I'm here is to go see a Kalafina-concert... Must see if there are any even remotely close to Akita where I'm staying...
*Checks if there are any even remotely close to Akita where he's staying*
Ah. Miyagi on the 13th of July. Sufficiently excellent, I suppose. MUST... BUY... TICKETS...
*Is not able to buy tickets this far ahead apparently*
Well, I'll have to remember that then.
^ Welcome, and if you haven't already done so, please post an introduction in the "Introductions" thread.

I loved Akita... saw Nana Mizuki there last July.

Have you joined FictionJunction Club? If you do, you might be able to bid for tickets earlier.
the live was AMAZING! i'm going to write a review soon..but wow the girls really surprised me with certain songs that i thought would suck live :XD:
Me, too! I went to the concert!
I'm also writing a report! :sohappy:
◎ Setting List Main Part
#1 Consolation
#2 Kyrie


#3 moonfesta
#4 Mune no yukue
#5 Hanataba
#6 sandpiper
#7 Magia


#8 Kiichigo no shigemi ni
#9 Hikari no senritsu
#10 Door
#11 Mirai


#12 ARIA
#13 magnolia
#14 destination unknown
#15 signal
#16 obbligato


#17 Manten
#18 to the beginning

◎Setting List Encore
al fine
#20Hikari furu


#21 Yume no daichi
◎ Front Band Member
・Violin Hitoshi Konno
・Guitar Koichi Korenaga
・Bass Takashi “Jr.” Tomoharu
・Drums Kyoichi Sato
・Manipulator Yoshio Ohira
・Piano Hirotaka Sakurada
Re: Kalafina "Consolation" Special Live 2013

Ahhh I'm so jealous but I can't wait to read your reports :dote:
Oh please anyone! tell me there were camera's roaming around during this concert :comeback:
I wish they would have included Red Moon in that setlist. I think it would have been perfect as many songs have quite a similar vibe.

Obviously, they tried to pick songs from AE and Consolation only and refrained from using older songs BUT they performed ARIA and Kyrie, both not part of either AE or Consolation...and I guess it's because 1.due to their title and 2.sound-wise, they fit in well with many of the new pieces.
I love the new setlist! but...

where's Yane no Mukou ni...
Re: Kalafina "Consolation" Special Live 2013

I have a question about signal live - did they keep the accordion or replace it with a live violin solo?