「Kalafina Anniversary LIVE 2025」15th January Tokyo Garden Theater (NO KAJIURA INVOLVEMENT)



19年解散「Kalafina」復活 3人組、唯一無二ハーモニー ファンの思いに決意の再集結​

2024年10月3日 5時0分


2019年(平31)3月に解散した3人組ボーカルユニットKalafinaが復活することが2日、分かった。Keiko(38)Hikaru(37)Wakana(39)がそれぞれソロ活動を続ける中、やむことがなかった復活を待ち望むファンの声に応えて再集結。来年1月15日に東京ガーデンシアターで「Kalafina Anniversary LIVE 2025」を開催。武部聡志氏(67)が音楽監督を務める。

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『Kalafina Anniversary LIVE 2025』

出演:Kalafina (Wakana・Keiko・Hikaru)


2025年1月15日(水)、東京ガーデンシアターにて『Kalafina Anniversary LIVE 2025』を開催させていただくことになりました。


『Kalafina Anniversary LIVE 2025』

日程:2025年1月15日(水) 開場 17時30分 / 開演 18時30分


出演:Kalafina (Wakana・Keiko・Hikaru)



■Hikaru X(旧Twitter)先行




この度、「Kalafina Anniversary LlVE 2025」を開催することが決定しました。

Kalafina (Wakana・Keiko・Hikaru)
Fuck, I didn't pray hard enough to prevent this reunion. Time to start sacrificing virgins.

>Music director: Satoshi Takebe
Kek. Most likely fake. Holy shit, the disrespect.
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Kalafina さんについて

この度、Kalafina さんのライブ開催が発表されたことにつきまして、私の方に もお問合せをいただいておりますが、私梶浦由記は今回の公演に一切関関与し ておらず、またそれ以前に今回の公演開催について、主催の方からも、またメ ンバーのどなたからも、正式なお知らせも説明も一切いただいておりません。 そのような状況ですので、ご質問いただきましても何もお答え出来ることがご ざいません。申し訳ありませんが今後の Kalafina さんに関するお問い合わせ は、ライブを主催される方、もしくはメンバーの皆様の所属事務所の方へお願 い致します。

Kalafina の皆さまは今後、私のプロデュースを離れ、私の知らない所で新しい Kalafina として歩まれることを決意されたのでしょう。私は私で、将来また一 緒に Kalafina の音楽を紡げる道を探ってはおりましたが、それはもう叶わぬ未 来となりました。大変残念ではありますが、メンバーの皆様がはっきりと選ば れた道です。これはもう互いに音の道を探す一人一人の人間ですから、そのよ うなこともあるでしょう。

皆様もご存知の通り、本当に素晴らしい三名の歌い手さんです。今後もファン の皆様へ、素晴らしい歌声、音楽を届けて下さるに違いありません。かつて、 約十年に渡り、共に音楽を作らせていただけた幸福に改めて心より感謝を致し ますと共に、今後のKalafina さんのご活躍をお祈りするばかりです。




Okay this is alarming....From what I understood, she's not informed any of this even though Keiko or Hikaru is part of her upcoming tour? I really don't care for Kalafina revival cause no Kajiura lol but I would be pretty dissapointed if there's no more FJ Keiko.....They just recorded something before too.....
Perhaps I'm in the minority here, but I'm really excited to see Kalafina's getting back together- I've really missed hearing Wakana, Keiko, and Hikaru sing together, and really look forward to hearing the 3 of them again.

As for Kajiura's involvement, I do think they should've notified Kajiura prior to the post, but if I remember correctly there was discussion on whether Kalafina would continue past Kajiura leaving Spacecraft- so I can't say it's too much of a surprise. I do think it has to do with some sort of unspoken Kajiura-Wakana beef but that's just speculation.

I do remember back in 2019, around a year after Keiko officially leaving there was an article from ANN saying how they wanted to reunite, and so it seems they've been wanting to do this for a hot minute. And if that's what they'll enjoy the most then in the end I think that's all that matters!

(also side note this announcement literally came out on my birthday so it's such a good bday present for me 😅)
I thought I’d be jumping for joy at this news, but all I can ask is . . . HUH?!

Not in like a good or bad way just . . . HUH?!
Tbh, I was excited before clicking on the post, but reading Kajiura's post, I became startled and began to question the upcoming event would be filled with excitement or alarming issue?

About Kalafina

I have received some inquiries regarding the announcement of Kalafina's upcoming live concert, but I, Kajiura Yuki, have no involvement whatsoever in this concert, and I have not received any official notice or explanation from the organizers or any of the members of the group regarding the concert. Given the situation, I am unable to answer any questions. I apologize, but any future inquiries regarding Kalafina should be directed to the organizers of the concert or the agencies of the members.

I believe that the members of Kalafina have decided to leave me as their producer and to start a new Kalafina somewhere I don't know about. I had been searching for a way to weave Kalafina's music together again in the future, but that will no longer be the case. It is very unfortunate, but this is the path that each member clearly chose. We are each individuals searching for our own musical path, so things like this happen.

"As you all know, they are three truly wonderful singers. I have no doubt that they will continue to deliver wonderful voices and music to their fans. I would like to express my sincere gratitude once again for the happiness of having had the opportunity to create music together with them for nearly ten years, and I wish Kalafina nothing but success in the future.

Yuki Kajiura
Music Direction isnt the same as producer right ?

It seems to me this is a one - off thing and not a reunification.


Kalafna さんについて

この度、Kalafna さんのテライブ開催が発表されたことにつきまして、私の方に
も お問合せをいただいておりますが、私梶浦由記は今回の公演に一切関関与し
ざいません。 申し訳ありませんが今後の Kalafna さんに関するお問い合わせ

Kalafna の皆さまは今後、私のプロデュースを離れ、私の知らない所で新しい
Kalafna として歩まれることを決意されたのでしょう。私は私で、将来また一
半に Kalafna の音楽を紡げる道を探ってはおりましたが、それはもう財わぬ未

皆様もご存知の通り、本当に素晴らしい三名の歌い手さんです。 今後もファン
ますと共に、今後の Kalafna さんのご活躍をお祈りするばかりです。

Ohh... Kajiura's tweets made me ever so sad.

I'm on Kajiura's side needless to say. She poured her soul into that project, Kalafina without her is rather meaningless.

This could be a one off thing. though Kajiura feels deeply betrayed and saddened by being left out especially by Keiko and Hikaru (I speculate here a bit), that much is clear. Not sure what this will mean for their future involvement but hopefully this will happen, money makers will be happy once and that will be left at that. =shrug=
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I agree, i hope it doesnt mean she ll kick them out of FJM.

If its the same guy that direct's wakana's albums even if they do release something it will probably flop. Kajiura herself has so much influence that they fake- announced her as lead composer for Kimetsu to create hype and it almost happened for anti-Hero too.
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Betrayals are the worst thing you can do in japan and this wont go nice for the 3 of them, i hope they stay safe though. Guess this also explains why Hikaru offered to fill for Kaori's absense
Not sure why people are whining Kalafina sound won't be the same without Kajiura when I feel like her music/arrangement sometimes isn't that unique lol it's her combination of harmony+ band style that makes her sound now. Then the three of them reunited it's a matter of time to replicate her "style". And they hired Hitoshi Konno before too from Wakana's album so it's not that hard.

The main concern from spacecraft(or mostly from Keiko and Hikaru) is that how they gonna handle the backlash from Kajiura's statement now? People are pissed from what I seen.

Anyways I'll wait first...Maybe Kajiura is the "right" side on this one but I feel like there's a foul play involved....