Kalafina / Aimer at Tokushima Bunkanomori Park 26 Sep 2015

Anata ni deawanakereba is such a great song, even if the PV is a bit... *ahem* different (PV here). I'm not against it, but I don't think it fits the song. I hope we can see some footage at some point. That would be so awesome :plz:
Nogenerator: it would be a duet if it was 2 people but now its a group of 3 + 1 xd

Westkana: saw the pv, thank you. No matter if it fits or not they spend on Aimer's PVs tones more money that for Kalafina even thought she appeared just last year. This is just unfair
^ Aimer has been around since 2011 actually .. and she is notorious for not showing her face so of course they'll be spending money on a "storyline" whether it matches the song or not.

While I do agree that Kalafina could use some changes in scenery for their videos I don't think it's fair to call it "unfair" when we don't know the circumstances behind the scenes.
I wonder why Konno wasn't there? I know he has not been at some events before, ACen included. Also if they do make a Blu-ray/DVD out of their far on the water tour they should include some of this concert in the bonus, at least I think so. heh
^I cant view the img?



^ Aimer has been around since 2011 actually .. and she is notorious for not showing her face so of course they'll be spending money on a "storyline" whether it matches the song or not.

So you imply that the money for the photo shoots alone are enough to fund a whole PV ? Especially the Bravely Shine PV, that must have costed tones of money, since not even Nana Muzuki has so flashy ones with najgul and exloding volcanos
lol george I don't remember mentioning a photoshoot anywhere but just because a video seems expensive doesn't mean it actually is. They may both be under SME, but Aimer is actually under one of its subsidiaries which has less artists under its roster so perhaps that's why it's "unfair" to you.
Nogenerator: it would be a duet if it was 2 people but now its a group of 3 + 1 xd

Westkana: saw the pv, thank you. No matter if it fits or not they spend on Aimer's PVs tones more money that for Kalafina even thought she appeared just last year. This is just unfair

Yeah I realize it's technically not a duet, it just seemed like a more formal term
Anata ni deawanakereba is such a great song, even if the PV is a bit... *ahem* different (PV here). I'm not against it, but I don't think it fits the song.
What a beautiful PV and song.. Thanks for sharing!

Although I'm curious as to why you feel it doesn't fit the song. I looked into the lyrical translations and it seemed to work wonderfully for me. She's singing of the kind of undying love that almost sounds forbidden.

"I want to sleep for eternity. At this rate, it's all right if morning doesn't come. You will always be laughing in my dream." (Credits: http://www.animelyrics.com/anime/natsuyuki/deawanakereba.htm).

The tragedy in the lyrics is heartbreaking. Since homosexuality is so frowned upon, and being forcefully separated from a same sex partner can be one of the worst things anyone of ther LGBT community can face, I don't see any irrelevance in the storyline of this video.
^I hadn't looked at the lyrics :desksweat: I should probably look at lyrics before I say anything...

The lyrics are heavenly! :plz: And after looking at them, I do think it fits it a lot more. I didn't think it had fit before because even though I agree that it was a "longing" song, I didn't think that it was a romantic song. With the lyrics, however, I can definitely see how it fits. I agree fully with this paraghraph:

The tragedy in the lyrics is heartbreaking. Since homosexuality is so frowned upon, and being forcefully separated from a same sex partner can be one of the worst things anyone of the LGBT community can face, I don't see any irrelevance in the storyline of this video.

Thanks for the link to the lyrics! :dote:
It suddenly occurs to me that since Aimer's known for not showing her face during live recordings and PV, that we will likely not get any footage of the collab. I know a lot of the live footage usually focuses on the stage and the musicians, which Kalafina's management might not be okay with. I'm more interested in just hearing a recording than live footage, so hopefully something will surface.
Sadly this is true. There are official recordings of her singing live however, and there's an audio recording of her singing Believe on her own. I really hope we get something though. This whole thing just makes me even more pissed off that I'm going to be missing her concert in Osaka by mere hours, that would've been something truly special.
@Westkana, translate.google.com manages:

M2 「ポラリス」(Polaris)
M3 「broKen NIGHT」
M4 「星の消えた夜に」(hoshi no kieta yoru ni)
M5 「StarRingChild」
M7 「Brave Shine」
M8 「六等星の夜」(rokutōsei no yoru)
So Aimer is kinda like Sia huh?
all in all everything is interesting. One would think Aimer would wear a mask or something, considering the Live events a singer has to do. I honestly can't tell if we'll get anything from Aimer's side, but time can tell.
Also posted at: http://news.dwango.jp/2015/09/28/55874/animeseiyu/

Kalafina、Aimer 初コラボライブが徳島で実現

オリジナル・ニューアルバム『far on the water』が大ヒット中のKalafina注目のシンガーAimerと初のコラボレーションライブを実施した。


今月9月16日に約2年半ぶりのオリジナル・ニューアルバム『far on the water』をリリースし、オリコンウィークリーチャートで初登場2位を獲得。日本のみならず世界各国でグローバルな活動を続ける3人組女性ヴォーカルユニットKalafina。




KalafinaおよびAimerとかかわりの深いアニメ作品「劇場版 空の境界」「Fate/Zero」「Fate/stay night」などを手掛けるアニメーションスタジオ「ufotable」が企画するイベント“マチ★アソビ”のオープニングセレモニー“マチ★アソビ presents 「唄の降る夜」コンサート”として今回のコラボレーションライブは開催された。



まず前半はAimerが最新アルバムでもカバーした『MOON RIVER』を披露。会場は一気に静まり返りAimerの歌声に酔いしれた。

『Brave Shine』『LAST STARDUST』などの新曲の他に、『ポラリス』『星の消えた夜に』『六等星の夜』など、夜空の見える屋外ステージにぴったりの計8曲をピアノのみのシンプルな編成で披露した。


「劇場版 空の境界 第六章 忘却録音」の主題歌となった『fairytale』にはじまり、続いてTVアニメ「Fate/Zero」挿入歌となった『満天』を披露。『君の銀の庭』などの代表曲も交えながら、最後はオリジナル・ニューアルバム同様に新曲『far on the water』で感動的に締めくくった。

