Well, I want to give a short review for After Eden here too.
At my first impression through the samples of the songs, I became a little bit disappointed.
But after hearing the full-length titles, it's absolutely not the case any more ^^
But let me continue with song by song:
Eden: is an unusual opener for a Kalafina/YK Album.
It has a very positive mood and it's a clever and powerful composition at any rate. The voices of the girls are harmonizing so much with each other in this one ^^ I like it very much.
sandpiper: has a very nice soundtrack-like intro. The ongoing heavy-hearted atmosphere of this song is not made to enjoy the song at any mood.
Overall it's a good composition and the singing of the girls is very good.
I like it ^^
Magia: Still one of the most ingenious ass-kicking Kalafina-Songs ever.
I love it so much and it's absolutely in my top 5. I guess I don't have to say much more about this one ^^
Kugatsu: One of the better slow songs of Kalafina. It has a very elegant feeling.
I, for example, always have to think about a peaceful, fairytale-like night with a clear sky and a bright moon, while I listen to it :)
in your eyes: I have a two-parted opinion about this song :/
I really like the verse of this song. But when it comes to the refrain, there is some dissonance for me, I can hardly get used to.
I also don't really like the melodic arrangement of the refrain.
destination unknown: I like this song. But in my opinion it doesn't successes in being powerful without being hectic.
And until now, most of Kalafina's faster songs managed this balance. But it's still a very good song! The guitar solo in the middle of this song is godlike an should have been more highlighted out of the instrumental arrangement. But that's a problem that Yuki obviously has every once in a while.
neverending: has a great arrangement from the first second on, until the last!
I really like the rhythm and the sensitive use of instruments. Wakana's dominating voice matches very good here :)
This song absolutely doesn't drags on when you listen to it.
Kotonoha: is a rather typical but nice intermezzo-song. But even through it's so short, it's a bit cumbersome.
magnolia: my favorite new song from After Eden!
I really like the strong and refreshing electronic beat and the combined subtle instrumental arrangement.
Keiko's voice and the mystic chorus in the refrain sounds absolutely gorgeous! This song has energy and power, yet the deepness you would anticipate for in a fast Kalafina song.
Kagayaku Sora no Shijima ni ha: Not so much of my taste ^^' Already on the single "adore" was the better track for me ^^'
Mune no Yukue: sounds more like a FictionJunction song ^^'
It's nice but not an above average song for me. Oh and the guitar solo is great.
snow falling: I already didn't like snow falling on the Magia Single that much.
Mournful and too dragging for my taste.
Symphonia: Symphonia on the contrary has a heavy mood too, but a uplifting one as well, at the same time. And it stands out with an hymn-like composition. I love Keiko's part and voice here, which this song also startd with. Here voice is so strong, charming and wrapping here :)
The whole song is really great. It has some epic feeling and fits very well as the last song of this album.
This song really
is a symphony.
Another great Kalafina-Release for me! But except for "magnolia" and "symphonia" the first half of this album is a bit better for me than the second half.
The quality of this release is out of the question. But on a few tracks I miss some more elements of Kajiura's magic and energetic creativity that always made Kalafina's songs so special an powerful. I guess you guys know what I mean... ;)
But all in all, they made a fantastic Album again!
with this ins mind... have a nice day