Kajiura twitter session?


Bowl of Yuki-shaped cereal
I was reading Kajiura's twitter today, she was saying that, probably sometime next week, probably some weekend during the night (Japanese time), she'll dedicate a couple of hours to answer to readers' questions about herself and The Works For Soundtrack (doesn't want to answer to put more pressure to Kalafina/FJ members apparently). She's still recruiting everyone's opinions on Twitter comments.

Warning: the following tweets appear in reverse chronological order (I just copy pasted them), so read them from bottom to top.

# そこを起点に、今日頂いたご意見色々読み直してみて、一週間後くらい目安でちょっと考えてみます。コメント下さった皆様、ありがとうございます!(^_^)。引き続きご意見募集しております。 about 9 hours ago via TweetDeck

# あくまで、the works for soundtrack発売記念?という事なので、質問内容はこのアルバムと梶浦由記個人についてに限定させて頂きますね。KalafinaやFJ、歌姫達まで入れてしまうと広すぎてしまうように思うので。 about 9 hours ago via TweetDeck

# そうですね、少し時間をおいた方がというご意見幾つか頂いたので、一週間後位を目安にしようかな。どこか夜(週末がいいのかな?)二時間くらい限定として。
First of all: it's nothing decided yet, she's considering it but she might as well end up saying "nah, we won't do it". Just so you won't get disappointed if she ends up deciding not to do it...
(re)Translation of the twits by kurobara

the frist from the bottom says:
"Yes, isn’t it. Since many suggested to put a timing, let’s say approximately the end of the week. Sometime in the night (Is it okay during the weekend?) and limited to about 2 hours."

number 2
"Strictly about the release celebration of “The Works for Soundtrack” (?) Then, the questions have to be about the album or about Kajiura personally. If we also include questions to the singers and Kalafina and Fictionjunction it will be too extense, I’m afraid."

kurobara's comment: I don't really get why there's that "?" there

number 3
"Starting here, I’ll read the opinions recieved today over again, and I’ll think about it for approximately the end of the week. Thanks to everyone who sent a comment! (^_^) I’m still recruiting opinions."
News arrived:
It will probably be on 17th, unless she gets something else to do on that day.

She will also accept questions on the email form of her page, as long as the title is "twitter企画質問" (twitter plan question).

It's mostly a question session about The Works For Soundtrack, but she also accepts any questions about herself. She's asking us not to ask questions about other singers, as well as (unfortunately) songs that aren't in the CD's tracklist.

She will post it on her blog as soon as she decides on the final schedule.

No hard restrictions on how many questions on one can ask, she's just asking us to make sure she can answer everything.

一旦宣言しておいてごめんなさい、ちょっと調整してみる……ずらせるようならずらしてみます。また明日の夜までにツイートでご報告しますm(_ _)m。日程取れなかった場合は17日にやるかも……。


the works for soundtrackを中心のご質問が嬉しいですが、その他梶浦個人に関するご質問でしたら何なりと。ただ、該当CDに入っていない作品へのご質問と、歌い手さん個人等に関する質問はお避け下さると幸いです。あまり多岐に渡ってもバラけてしまいそうですし。



It's formal:


Friday Dec 17, 22:00 - 24:00 Japanese time (UTC+9).

We should shorten "The Works For Soundtrack" to "WFS" and use the hash tag #kajiwfs .

We should also keep in mind the character restriction of Twitter and not ask very complicated questions.

Questions sent in her email form should have "twitterイベント質問" as a title (twitter event question). Also, she sometimes writes the name of the person who asks the question, so we should please include our twitter nicknames.

Any questions asked beforehand should be sent using the mail form, otherwise she may miss them (and I just sent one asking whether we can ask questions in English, so let's see whether she sees it)
I got an answer!!!!! :XD: :XD: :XD:

It's OK to ask questions in English, but since there will be many people participating, she'll be answering in Japanese.


Seems fair enough to me, especially considering that you can write MANY more things in Japanese than in English using the same amount of characters (thanks kanji!)

I'd still suggest that we all gather our questions in here, in order to discard duplicate ones. And, if anyone wants me to translate any questions into Japanese, I'll be visiting my sensei Thursday afternoon/evening (European time), so I can get approved™ answers :ohoho:
I want ask where she got those inspirations for Sekai Satoyama Kikou's OST. It's so beautiful, natural and heavenly. :love:
im not sure how twitter works ^^; is #kajiwfs a new account shes using for this? or do we send questions to fion account and use that tag somewhere? :ayashii:
@Kerahna #kajiwfs is a hash-tag (like keywords) used for this event, mainly so you can easily search it ahaha. Just mention @Fion0806 and then your question and end it with #kajiwfs
Guess I will ask my question via her mailform, because its easier to me since i dont really know how to sent twits to others (until now I was only twitting news to cpm :uh..: .

My question is : How did you decided to use male vocalist for the 'tear for in my heart' track of 15 sai shanghahei, because it sounds so pretty yet you do it so rarely (2 other times only)

Bad new is that my laptop broke (im now using a netbook my father had bought for all the family member to use) and the HDD couldnt be take out of it otherwise you would void the warranty, so this means I am probably gonna lose all my data I had in it (i have sent it for servise to the Fujitsu people in Greece) - including the ones of cpm - thank goodness I had backed up a number of them in my external HDD

Worst is that they are going to return me the laptop in 2-3 weeks time :cry: :cry: :cry: This also means that I wont be able to update the site for that time (or I will be doing limited updating)

Jessica said:
I want to ask her, where does she get her insparation to compose?

This has already been asked in interviews of her (and the anime boston ones to be more specific) so you can go here http://canta-per-me.net/yuki-kajiura/interviews/ :)
A very interesting cuestion is about a 'the works for sountrack' with Victor. :plot: If we can consider that album as an album for lost pieces in time. (...Ok, just voyagers and SSK OST).