Kajiura-sensei Favorites ~ Elimination Game

  • Thread starter Thread starter ninetales
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+ Frenetic
- For this day (and again bye bye bye........) :nophoto:

Dance of the time - 7
Where I stand - 18
Tell me more~op theme #3 -5
Ordinary dream -25
Walk on your destiny -17
+ Walk on your destiny
- Tell me More

Dance of the time - 7
Where I stand - 18
Tell me more~op theme #3 -4
Ordinary dream -25
Walk on your destiny -18
+ Where I stand
- Dance of the time

Dance of the time - 6
Where I stand - 19
Tell me more~op theme #3 -4
Ordinary dream -25
Walk on your destiny -18
Argh, time to say goodbye to Dance of the Time soon? :cry: Can't spare resources to save it, can I...?

+ Ordinary dream
- Tell me more~op theme #3

Frenetic - 24
Dance of the time - 6
Where I stand - 19
Tell me more~op theme #3 - 3
Ordinary dream -26
Walk on your destiny -18
Faith - 23
+ Where I stand
- Tell me more~op theme #3

Frenetic - 24
Dance of the time - 6
Where I stand - 20
Tell me more~op theme #3 - 2
Ordinary dream -26
Walk on your destiny -18
Faith - 23
+ frenetic
- dance of the time

Frenetic - 25
Dance of the time - 5
Where I stand - 20
Tell me more~op theme #3 - 2
Ordinary dream -26
Walk on your destiny -18
Faith - 23
+ Walk on your destiny
- Tell me more~op theme #3

Frenetic - 25
Dance of the time - 5
Where I stand - 20
Tell me more~op theme #3 - 1
Ordinary dream -26
Walk on your destiny -19
Faith - 23
+ Frenetic
- Tell me more~op theme #3 (out)

Frenetic - 26
Dance of the time - 5
Where I stand - 20
Ordinary dream -26
Walk on your destiny -19
Faith - 23
+ walk on your destiny
- dance of the time

Frenetic - 26
Dance of the time - 4
Where I stand - 20
Ordinary dream -26
Walk on your destiny -20
Faith - 23
Well, er, might as well as start the bloodbath...

+ Ordinary dream
- Dreamcatcher

Frenetic - 26
Dance of the time - 4
Where I stand - 20
Ordinary dream -27
Walk on your destiny -20
Faith - 23

+ dreamcatcher
- dance of the time

Frenetic - 26
Dance of the time - 3
Where I stand - 20
Ordinary dream -27
Walk on your destiny -20
Dreamcatcher- 21
Faith - 23
:plot: :knife: Anyway here almost my most favorites vocal tracks from this OST

+ Faith
- Dance of the time

Frenetic - 26
Dance of the time - 2
Where I stand - 20
Ordinary dream -27
Walk on your destiny -20
Dreamcatcher- 21
Faith - 24
I'm not going to have the heart to say farewell to these songs once dance of the time is gone

+ dreamcatcher
- Dance of the time

Frenetic - 26
Dance of the time - 1
Where I stand - 20
Ordinary dream -27
Walk on your destiny -20
Dreamcatcher- 22
Faith - 24
Really sorry Aki. Just, of the remaining songs, Dreamcatcher was the one that stood out the least for me. Also, Dance of the Time is my favourite instrumental track, and I just don't have the heart to kill it off... :cry:

+ Ordinary dream
- Dreamcatcher

Frenetic - 26
Dance of the time - 1
Where I stand - 20
Ordinary dream -28
Walk on your destiny -20
Dreamcatcher- 21
Faith - 24
why is this so painful :TdT: :TdT:

+ Dreamcatcher
- Dance of the time (sorry Coral :cry:)

Frenetic - 26
Where I stand - 20
Ordinary dream -28
Walk on your destiny -20
Dreamcatcher- 22
Faith - 24
Ah well, Dance of the Time already outlasted all the opening themes. Quite a feat for the poor thing.

I feel awful too (not least because I'm short on sleep), but we can hardly declare a 6-way tie, right? Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and invent a magical painkiller. But wow, do these games usually have scores this close in the final 6, or is it just Historia?

+ Ordinary dream
- Dreamcatcher

Frenetic - 26
Where I stand - 20
Ordinary dream -29
Walk on your destiny -20
Dreamcatcher- 21
Faith - 24
who says we can't just leave it as it is? then ordinary dream is first with frenetic in second...

+ Dreamcatcher
- do I have to?....faith...

Frenetic - 26
Where I stand - 20
Ordinary dream -29
Walk on your destiny -20
Dreamcatcher- 21
Faith - 23
@ Aki Don't touch my faith! Leave it :omg: :cry:
But maybe we can already finish this round and begin a new?

+ Faith
- Walk on your destiny

Frenetic - 26
Where I stand - 20
Ordinary dream -29
Walk on your destiny -19
Dreamcatcher- 21
Faith - 24
gomene... ><;
yes please let's start a new game (I feel like if we keep going with this one it'll turn into a stalemate)

first place: ordinary dream
second place: frenetic
third place: faith
fourth place: dreamcatcher
fifth place: where I stand
sixth place: walk on your destiny

sooo what album/soundtrack should we do next?
Maybe now one of albums Kalafina/FJ(Y)?
Such as After Eden or Consolation if Kalafina, and Everlasting Songs or Circus if FJ(Y). I don't want to choose because i already posted RHH OST 1 which was ended now.