Kajiura Family Media Appearances

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Info about the LisAni live

リスアニ!LIVE-3一般発売情報!! (2012.11.27)

チケット価格:全席指定 7,350円(税込)

◆ネット予約:http://eplus.jp/ 〈PC・携帯共通/要事前会員登録(無料)〉

◆電話予約:発売日初日特電 0570-02-9970 (10:00~23:59)
         発売日翌日以降 0570-02-9999 (Pコード:187-497)
◆ネット予約:http://t.pia.jp/ 〈PC・携帯共通/要事前会員登録(無料)〉

◆電話予約:発売日初日特電 0570-084-639 (10:00~18:00)
         発売日翌日以降 0570-084-003 (Lコード:71761)
◆ネット予約:http://l-tike.com/ 〈PC・携帯共通/要事前会員登録(無料)〉


インフォメーションダイヤル 03-5793-8878(平日13:00〜18:00)
ちけっとぽーと 03-5561-9001(平日10:00〜18:00)
Ah sorry, I haven't been online much nowadays due to limited connection (currently away from my main base of operations :XD: ) so I apologize for not being active as much in looking for info. Anyway, with regards to the Hikari Furu sales commemoration events, there were two recent ones - on November 17 and 18. From what I've heard/read so far, the setlists are the same as past events but I haven't found anyone who has disclosed the venues and times yet. The events were held in some "secret" (note: unannounced) locations so to speak. If anyone else has found info related to them, do share! ^^

I'll keep looking for info myself as well.
I tried with VLC and, success :ohoho:
Thank you, Eddie :sohappy:

Waaaa, so white, soo cutee :waii:
I found this clip while browsing nicovideo:

Can somebody tell me which video this clip originated from? Definitely not a recent video, but it has English subs.

It's about Wakana and her love of sharks (Megalodon, in particular). It's so funny and cute.

I still don't know why this girl loves sharks so much :XD:

Mierin said:
I found this clip while browsing nicovideo:

Can somebody tell me which video this clip originated from? Definitely not a recent video, but it has English subs.

It's about Wakana and her love of sharks (Megalodon, in particular). It's so funny and cute.

I still don't know why this girl loves sharks so much :XD:

It's from the YKLive vol 2 DVD.
Yeah, they all were in their own ways. I was all :shy: :shy: while watching it

Mierin said:
I found this clip while browsing nicovideo:

Can somebody tell me which video this clip originated from? Definitely not a recent video, but it has English subs.

It's about Wakana and her love of sharks (Megalodon, in particular). It's so funny and cute.

I still don't know why this girl loves sharks so much :XD:

O_o how did that end up on nico nico? :XD:
here it is viewtopic.php?p=200289#p200289

^ lol yeah, I was quite surprised to find it there.

And it was specifically just about Wakana and her love of sharks :XD:

Thanks for the video, Varete!