Re: Re:
Cerise said:
HimeWakana said:
Wacchan's shoulders are so nice~

Even Keiko couldn't resist and had to take her hand
IIRC in this scene, Keiko grabbed Wakana's hand because she was trying to stop Wakana from further spilling embarrassing things about her. The topic of discussion that time was about "careless, airheaded, scatterbrained verbal gaffes somebody said" with the "somebody" pointing to a Kalafina member. And Wakana straightaway ripped into Keiko by revealing some of the LOL things Keiko said, among them:
1) Keiko describing Wakana's makeup-less face as "funny face" (She actually said "funny face" in English. Hilarious kiddy and cheesy yet so adorable♥). Keiko further added Wakana has a lovely round (egg-shaped) face and she honestly meant it all in a sweet way, although Wakana seemed to have deliberately picked out the ROUND FACE part of the sentence to tease Keiko. Kinda along the lines of "Oh, so you were saying I have a ROUND face, huh? Is that what you were trying to say?" but in a more polite and amused way like "Oh dear, so I do have a round face. Yeah, that bothers me." lol. But Wakana knew Keiko was just being naturally scatterbrained with her choice of words so she responded by saying "OK!"

2) Keiko mistakenly saying Wakana has a tragic voice. The word Keiko used by mistake at first was "悲惨" which means "tragic" but it's normally used in the context of "miserable, pitiful, wretched, disastrous" instead of "悲劇" which is "tragic" in the "sad and solemn" context. When Wakana first heard that, she was like "M-...MISERABLE!!??? SERIOUSLY???

". She and Hikaru were

for a second LOLLL. Keiko then realized her mistake and quickly went "Nn? Ah, it's "tragic". I meant "tragic". I got it wrong~

Wakana was pretty sadistic towards Keiko throughout the whole thing. She just kept ruthlessly shooting until Keiko was reduced to an embarrassed heap (Keiko was going

while also laughing in between).
That's about the gist of it. Unfortunately my video was interrupted now and then by lags and dumb adverts so it's likely I might not have gotten everything right, especially the parts where the audio skipped because of the lags and the video was replaced by an ad. Those who have recorded the whole show clean, do correct me on my mistakes if I made any. ^^
And to wrap up, here's a special present to Cerise
Yeah, despite Wakana's incessant teasing, Keiko still wuvs her~