Kajiura Family Media Appearances

  • Thread starter Thread starter Keiri
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from Kalafina blog


日時:2012年8月6日(月) 16:00~
会場:お台場合衆国サンサンアイライド 「合衆国MY BEAT スタジアム」

「76.1 InterFM in お台場 8/6(月)「木下工務店 presents The Evening State」にKalafina出演決定!!」

■タイトル:「木下工務店 presents The Evening State」
■ACCESS:りんかい線 東京テレポート駅 徒歩 5分 / ゆりかもめ 台場 徒歩3分
エフエムインターウェーブ⑭ [InterFM]
ご対応時間:月-金 10:00-18:00
→URL※ http://www.interfm.co.jp/hotsummer/

aki said:
from Kalafina blog


日時:2012年8月6日(月) 16:00~
会場:お台場合衆国サンサンアイライド 「合衆国MY BEAT スタジアム」

「76.1 InterFM in お台場 8/6(月)「木下工務店 presents The Evening State」にKalafina出演決定!!」

■タイトル:「木下工務店 presents The Evening State」
■ACCESS:りんかい線 東京テレポート駅 徒歩 5分 / ゆりかもめ 台場 徒歩3分
エフエムインターウェーブ⑭ [InterFM]
ご対応時間:月-金 10:00-18:00
→URL※ http://www.interfm.co.jp/hotsummer/
Live events in Odaiba for the summer.

Mezamashi Live 2012
Date: August 6, 2012 (Mon)
Time: 16:00 (JST)
Venue: Gasshuukoku MY BEAT Stadium, Odaiba Gasshuukoku Sansan Island

Kinoshita Koumuten presents The Evening State
Date: August 6, 2012 (Mon)
Time: 17:26 - 17:56 (JST)
Venue: InterFM Odaiba Stage
Kinoshita Koumuten presents The Evening State
Date: August 6, 2012 (Mon)
Time: 17:26 - 17:56 (JST)
Venue: InterFM Odaiba Stage

Is this also a live event? It's only half an hour? :confu:
◆緊急告知!! 9月9日(日)渋谷公会堂 決定!!◆

新国立劇場中劇場にて行なわれるYuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#9“3days Special”に

【公演名】Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#9 “渋公Special ”
【日 時】2012年9月9日(日)開場:16:15 開演:17:00
【出 演】梶浦由記/ FictionJunction
Guest Vocal:戸丸華江、and more…


Could you trnaslate/romanise the event title because g.translate plays tricks on me @_@
The "渋" (shibu) in the title refers to "Shibuya" since the live will be held at the Shibuya Public Hall (or Shibuya C.C. Lemon Hall as a more familiar name). As for "公" (kou), it means "public". It can refer to either the abbreviation of "公会堂" (public hall as in the Shibuya Public Hall) or "公演" (public live performance) in this case. I assume it's more the former (Shibuya Public Hall) because the concert will be held there so it's more related in a sense. In any case, I guess you can take your pick of

1) Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#9 "ShibuKou Special" (portmanteau of Shibuya Koukaidou/Shibuya Public Hall); or
2) Yuki Kajiura LIVE vol.#9 "Shibuya Public Hall Special"

...whichever one you think is more suitable. :V:
Oh by the way, I think you can romanize it as "Shibuko" instead of following the romanization of the hiragana reading (Shibukou). I just found out in the venue's official website, they romanize it as "Shibuko". ^^
Sorry for the double post but had to share this since this event doesn't have its own thread. :bow:


Day 1
Date: July 7 (Sat)
Opening Time: 16:00 (JST) 
Beginning of Event: 17:00 (JST)
(Expected) End of Event: 21:00 (JST)
Venue: Pacifico Yokohama National Convention Hall

Set list for Day 1

1. 「Super☆Affection」 - LR harmony
2. 「From new world」 - LR harmony
3. 「THIS ILLUSION -10th moon harmony-」 - LR harmony

4. 「mind as Judgment」 - Faylan

5. 「oblivious」 - Kalafina
6. 「Kimi ga Hikari ni Kaete Iku」 - Kalafina
7. 「Kizuato 」 - Kalafina
8. 「ARIA」 - Kalafina

9. 「oath sign」 - LiSA
10. 「MEMORIA」 - Aoi Eir
11. 「Sora wa Takaku Kaze wa Utau」 - Haruna Luna
12. 「Manten」 - Kalafina
13. 「to the beginning」 - Kalafina


E1. Theme Song of Mahou Tsukai no Yoru
E2. 「Five」 (BGM from Mahou Tsukai no Yoru)

Don't we all love TYPE-MOON? :shy: :shy: :shy:
I know i do :sohappy:

Extra Comment: They should have performed 7th Heaven instead of Kimi Ga Hikari XD :shy: not saying i hate Kimi Ga Hikari...but i thought 7th heaven would be a more appropriate song as it was the concluding song for Kara no Kyoukai! :sparkleguy:
That's the set list for only Day 1. Day 2 is today so there's still a possibility for Kalafina to perform the rest of the KnK songs. :V:
Not sure. According to this page, Kalafina will be appearing again on the second day but it's not confirmed whether they will be singing. I think it's likely though. :ayashii:
I've known about the Type Moon Fes for a long time, but I didn't realize we didn't have a thread about it here.

Anyway, here's a news article I found about the event. It's very short, and there's nothing written about Kalafina's setlist at all, but there are some nice pics of Kalafina and a group picture of all the four artistes (Aoi Eir, Haruna, LiSA and Kalafina) together.


(wow.. the article said 12,000 people attended the event over the two days. That's a lot)

Day 2
Date: July 8 (Sun)
Opening Time: 14:00 (JST)
Beginning of Event: 15:00 (JST)
(Expected) End of Event: 19:00 (JST)

Venue: Pacifico Yokohama National Convention Hall
Set list for Day 2

1. 「Super☆Affection」 - LR harmony
2. 「From new world」 - LR harmony
3. 「THIS ILLUSION -10th moon harmony-」 - LR harmony

4. 「mind as Judgment」 - Faylan

5. 「fairytale」 - Kalafina
6. 「seventh heaven」 - Kalafina
7. 「snow falling」 - Kalafina
8. 「sprinter」 - Kalafina

9. 「oath sign」 - LiSA
10. 「MEMORIA」 - Aoi Eir
11. 「Sora wa Takaku Kaze wa Utau」 - Haruna Luna
12. 「Manten」 - Kalafina
13. 「to the beginning」 - Kalafina


E1. Theme Song of Mahou Tsukai no Yoru
E2. 「Five」 (BGM from Mahou Tsukai no Yoru)
