So this is true.Only Eri Ito is credited in track 25 but no Tokyo Konsei... is Kajiura editing and layering the voice of Eri more than ever? lmao
So this is true.Only Eri Ito is credited in track 25 but no Tokyo Konsei... is Kajiura editing and layering the voice of Eri more than ever? lmao
It's not. Tokyo Konsei is still credited on 25. As is Eri.So this is true.
I didn't even read my own quote lolIt's not. Tokyo Konsei is still credited on 25. As is Eri.
Songs written by 梶浦由記
Producer:森 康哲 (HIGHWAY STAR)
Assistant Director:高橋日向子 (HIGHWAY STAR)
Recording & Mixing Engineer:小岩孝志 (SIGN SOUND)
Recording Engineer:近藤真奈美 (SIGN SOUND)
Assistant Engineer:吉田美千加 (Sound City)
Recording Studio:Sound City, Studio Earkth
Musicians Co-ordination:須藤一男 (HOT WAVE)
Score Support:石川洋光
Artist Management
梶浦由記:HIGHWAY STAR/FictionJunction Music
寺田志保:大野朝子 (HIGHWAY STAR)
Mastering Engineer:松永健司 (MIXER'S LAB)
Music Editor:御園雅也 (NSL)
A&R:溝口大悟, 沖濱佐和子 (NICHION)
Product Management:池田修平, 大藤友里子 (NICHION)
Cover Design:木村 悟 (asahi edigraphy)
Executive Producer:海本 泰 (NICHION)
There must be some mistake here as in track 26 i hear a woman that im 99% sure its not Hanae Tomaru, but its probably from TK.CD booklet
Code:Keyboard & Programming: 梶浦由記 (M1,2,6,12,15,18,22,23,25,26) 寺田志保 (M3,4,5,7,8,9,10,11,13,14,16,17,19,20,21,24) Guitar: 是永巧一 (M1,2,3,8,13,14,15) Drums: 佐藤強一 (M1,2,3,13,14,15) Bass: 高橋 “Jr.” 知治 (M1,2,3,8,13,14,15) Piano: 松田真人 (M1,2,6) Flute: 赤木りえ (M10,12,17,18) Saxophone: 藤田淳之介 (M3,5,6,9) Trumpet & Flugelhorn: 辻本憲一 (M4,8,19,24) Horn: 高橋臣宜, 五十畑勉 (M4,8,9,19,24) Vocal: 伊東恵里 (M1,25) 戸丸華江 (M1,2,26) Chorus: 東京混声合唱団 (M1,15,25,26) Soprano: 稲村麻衣子, 東中千佳 Alto: 志村美土里, 小林音葉 Tenor: 志村一繁, 平野太一朗 Bass: 佐々木武彦, 下西祐斗 Strings: 今野 均Strings (M1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,11,12,15,17,19,20,23,24,25,26) 1st Violin: 今野均, 漆原直美, 岡部磨知, 岡部磨知, 加藤光貴, 亀井友莉 2nd Violin: 石亀協子, 亀田夏絵, 渡邉栞, 森本安弘 Viola: 二木美里, 萩谷金太郎 Cello: 稲本有彩 Double Bass: 一本茂樹, 玉木寿美 Cello Solo: 水野由紀 (M10)