[Interview] Kalafina Asia Tour @ Tencent (Translated)


Before heading to Shanghai for their concert, Kalafina arrived in Beijing and did an interview with Tencent, a big web media site. This interview was posted online, and I translated the interview based on a Chinese transcription posted on tencent's website. Some awkward wording and things not quite understandable >_< also I haven't been able to watch the video so I haven't had a chance to decipher the Japanese that the transcript didn't catch.

Thanks to Melvin for finding this interview!!

Video on tencent website: http://ent.qq.com/a/20100224/000523.htm
Chinese transcript: http://ent.qq.com/a/20100224/000521.htm (with many pictures)
Download video:
Melvin said:

Hikaru is so cute!!
Interpreter (Baimeng): I am Baimeng, I'm Chinese.

Wakana: Nice to meet you, I am Wakana of Kalafina, please take care of me.

Keiko: Nice to meet you, I am Keiko of Kalafina

Hikaru: Nice to meet you, I am Hikaru of Kalafina

Host (Wangke): Her name is kind of hard to read.

Interpreter: It means "light".

Host: Is this your first time promoting and performing in Beijing?

Wakana: It's indeed our first time in Beijing. We just got off the plane so we haven't had a chance to see many sights yet, but we already feel that the roads are so wide, and are looking forward to the rest of our travels in China.

Host: How about the impressions on the other two?

Keiko: All of us just got of the plane and have only been able to travel the short distance from the airport to the hotel, but we already feel that it's very different from Japan. There are many high-rise apartment buildings, in really unique shapes.

Hikaru: My first impression is that the airport is SO HUGE! Also, there are trams and subway trains inside the airport, it was really surprising.

Host: You have two goals for this trip, the first is the promote your new single, and the second is to perform solo in Shanghai on February 28. I'd like to be the first to wish you success with your new single, success on the Chinese market, and a sucessful Shanghai concert.

Kalafina: Thank you!

Host: Your music has had much exposure in China, and many people have heard your music in animes. How well do you know your Chinese fans?

Wakana: Because it's our first time in China, we haven't had the opportunity to meet our Chinese fans yet, but we are looking forward to interacting with everyone at our concerts. Despite the language barrier, we can communicate to everyone through our music in many ways. We are so happy to gain strength through our Chinese fans.

Host: Before coming, did you know you had many fans in China? There were some fans that were waiting for you before you arrived, and have been here since 3pm, did you see them? They even asked me if you were doing a show on the 18th floor, and have been waiting since like 3.

Wakana: I'm really flattered to hear this. Because it's our first time here we don't know what the Chinese fans are like, but we'd really like to meet them, even though we don't have much time, I am really happy to hear about this.

Host: We should be able to see them after the filming, they're still waiting outside. We just had Chinese new year here, did you learn a few lines of Chinese? Please greet everyone with a few lines of Chinese!

Keiko: Ni hao! Da jia hao! zai jian! (laugh) [Kerahna note: Hi! Hi everyone! goodbye!]

Wakana: Ni hai! Xie xie! [Kerahna note: Hi! Thank you!)

Host: The Shanghai concert is on February 28, let me teach you some new year greetings. We won't say "happy new year", we'll say some popular fun lines right now. It's the year of the tiger, "Zhu da jia hu hu sheng wei!"

Kalafina: Hu hu sheng wei (laughs)

Host: Now I'll teach you a really useful one that will make all your fans laugh, "Gongxifacai, hongbaonalai" [Kerahna note: happy new year, now give me..those red envelopes of money)

Kalafina: (laughs)

Host: Mr. Interpreter please tell them what it means.

Wakana: If we could get some we'd be really happy (laughs).

Host: You must learn this! Let's try again.

Kalafina: Gongxifacai, Hongbaonalai (laughs)

Host: Can you teach your fans some Japanese new year greetings?

Kalafina: (speaks in Japanese)

Host: (Laughs) I wont' try to say that... So that was a little introduction between Kalafina and the fans here. There are probably many more fans in this country that listen to your music, this is the first time meeting you for many of your fans, in Beijing, Shanghai, and even Hong Kong. Now we'd like to better understand each of you. Please tell us how you formed this group.

Wakana: A famous producer in Japan, Miss Yuki Kajiura, chose us to form a group to sing the main themes of the "Kara no Kyoukai" movie series.

Host: You are all very amazing vocalists, when did you start singing?

Wakana: I sang in choirs since I was 5 or 6, and really loved singing, but never thought it would be my actual career. I continued singing because I loved it.

Keiko: I was 13 when I started learning to sing, dance and perform.

Hikaru: I've wanted to be a singer for as long as I remember. I can't remember clearly but my mom told me that whenever we passed by shops that were playing music, I'd sing along.

Host: How did you choose the name "Kalafina"? Does it have any meaning?

Wakana: This word doesn't exist, and was created by our producer Yuki Kajiura. She's the one that makes our miusic, and liked the crisp sound and tonal effect of this name.

Host: So does it have a meaning?

Wakana: I think we all have different interpretations of this meaning, but I think that Kalafina's songs are all very imaginative, airy kind of feel. That's the feeling I get from this name as well.

Host: At this point, everyone knows you've done the music for Kara no Kyoukai, people automatically think "Kara no Kyoukai" when your name is mentioned, and that is also the reason you've slowly become more and more popular. Many people want to ask, you've been singing so many anime songs, so what special techniques do you use to intepret these songs?

Keiko: Because anime is a creation with a very large world view, Miss Kajiura will consider this world view when composing, to create the world she wants us to see. When we sing we also have to demonstrate this world view, expand on the idea, and leave in everyone's minds a deep impression of the anime.

Host:Now, could you perform one of your songs for us? We've seen you on TV, the internet, and on DVD, so let us hear you live!

Kalafina: [performs storia]

Host: Amazing! In Beijing-talk, we call it "niu" [means "cow" o_O like very headstrong or something]. The harmony is amazing, like sound from the heavens. Can we hear another?

Wakana: Then please come to the concert!

Host: Of course!

Kalafina: Thank you!

Host: I'll get all my Beijing friends to go too. We are very lucky to have been able to hear the three of you perform today, and really hope to hear you again in Shanghai. How have your concert preparations been going?

Wakana: We're fully prepared. We've been so excited since coming from Japan, and hope to enjoy our time at our concert with everyone.

Host: Will you bring anything new and surprising to your fans?

Wakana: Because it's a surprise, we can't tell you! The concert itself to us is a sort of surprise, and we are sure everyone will enjoy our performance.

Host: How much do you know about Chinese musicians and singers?

Keiko: I like [Japanese name], he's really good looking, and I saw posters of him at the airport.

Host: If anyone knows who that is please let us know. We hope you'll be able to hear more Chinese music on your trip to China, and mingle with Chinese musicians as well.

We just talked a lot about music, so let's move on to your lives. Do the three of you live together?

Wakana: We don't live together.

Host: So at work, which one of you talks the most or has the most ideas?

Wakana: I'm the most talkative, but everyone has plenty of ideas.

Host: When there's a disagreement, who usually gives up?

Wakana: We usually don't fight, and we have a very good relationship.

Keiko: The three of us discuss together and make sure everyone's opinions are considered.

Host: Then, which of you gets taken care of, who likes to take care of others, and who likes being taken care of?

Wakana: It varies depending on the occasion, for example at concerts when we need to stir up some excitement, Keiko is the best at leading that. When we need to calm down or console someone, Hikaru is the best at cheering people up.

Host: I gather from this conversation that Wakana and Keiko are a bit more lively, and Hikaru is quite quiet. Are you normally this quiet every day? Say something!

Hikaru: That's pretty much the way it is, the talking ratio between us is around the same as what you've seen here.

Host: So your activity on stage is different from your actual lives. Tell us a bit about your lives.

Wakana: Most of our time working is spent together, but when I'm alone I like cooking.

Keiko: I like to exercise, jogging, sauna, and training myself.

Hikaru: I like to do quiet things, like reading or going on walks.

Host: Your life is so boring.

Hikaru: (laughs)

Host: Wakana likes to cook, so do the other two come eat at your house?

Wakana: They haven't done that yet, but I am very good at making fried bitter melon and I'd really love to have the other two taste it.

Host: I hope on your next visit to Beijing you will host a cooking show to teach us how to make Japanese food.

Keiko: I'm not so good at cooking.

Hikaru: I can make cakes and stuff.

Host: So you (Keiko) can eat after those two make the food. Other than singing, what other dreams do you have for the future, like acting for example?

Wakana: Singing will always be a part of my life and career. Apart from that I'm interested in some more calming, therapeutic type of work that's popular online.

Host: Psychiatry?

Wakana: Yes, and I also like writing.

Keiko: I tend to pay attention to fashion, and am interested in that. The costumes we perform in change from single to single. I would be pretty happy if I could do something in this industry.

Host: Fashion designer, nice. Whenever she (Hikaru) talks, it makes you want to bully her. [Kerahna note: LOL so cute]

Hikaru: I'm interested in acting, and would like to try it if given the opportunity.

Host: What kind of character would you like to portray?

Hikaru: Everything, I want to be all different kinds of characters, because my own personality is limited, I hope my acting won't have such limitations.

Host: Have you seen Chinese wuxia films? Do you want to be a kung-fu heroine?

Hikaru: <<KUNG FU>>

Host: What a gentle heroine. Your fans would like to ask, what kind of boys do you like?

Wakana: I've been asked a question once in Japan that I felt was very reasonable, and I want to repeat that line right now. I like the person that i like at the moment, that kind of feeling.

Keiko: I like massive eaters.

Host: why?

Keiko: Because I like to watch people eating and drinking a lot.

Host: I've interviewed many many artists, and this is the first time I've heard of someone who likes people who eat a lot. This is a very unique interest.

Keiko: Thank you!

Host: Pay attention, food-lovers in the audience. Previously we thought that by being a pig we'd be scorned, but now we can imagine being liked by Keiko.

Hikaru: It's already been said, so I don't know how to describe, I'll change it to say that if someone will like me, I will like them back.

Host: Your requirement is so simple, so cute. Now we've talked a lot about music and about our lives. Now what about the future of Kalafina and your path of music? Now that you're performing in China, Hong Kong and Taipei, do you plan on learning Chinese and developing in China? Do you have plans like that?

Wakana: We do have such crazy dreams, and we definitely hope to let more Chinese music lovers understand us, and have more fans in China.

Host: Now that cultural exchange has become more and more intermingled, and there have been many Japanese actors coming to film in China, including Japanese singers, we hope that apart from singing you'll have the chance to film movies with Chinese directors.

Wakana: We also hold this kind dream in our hearts and continue to do our best.

Host: We wish you full success on this tour. Finally, I'd like to introduce to you some Beijing dishes that you must try. Peking duck, Szechuan fish if you can handle spice, old Beijing style hot pot lamb, zha-jiang mein, and you can also try bullfrogs.

Wakana: I've never tried any of those before.

Host: It's very delicious. How long will you be staying in Beijing?

Wakana: Only one day, we'll be leaving tomorrow.

Host: then you must try all five tonight. Finally, we'll wish you success again in your tour, and hope you will let more Chinese people hear your music as well as "gongxifacai, hongbaonalai". With the remainder of our time, I'll give you three the spotlight. Please say something to our online friends.

Wakana: Hello everyone, I am Wakana. I'm really excited to be in china for the first time and really happy to be able to hold a concert here. I hope that this activity will allow you to better understand us, like our music, and please take care of us.

Keiko: Even though we'll only be in Beijing for one day this time, we hope that on our next visit we will be able to hold a concert here and talk more with everyone. We hope to spread our influence further out of Japan, with more opportunities to perform all around Asia and be with everyone, please take care of us.

Hikaru: I'm really excited to be in China for the first time. The surprise we mentioned earlier, I promise it will happen at concert. I hope everyone will eagerly await this concert for the surprise.
Wowwww...thanks, Keraaaa :nosebleed:

Thy are funny... even the host.
That Wakana was not the real one. I did not see her mention sharks anywhere! LOL. :ohoho:

Cute interview though~
Whatever happened to that interview with Yuki about her kajiuran lyrics? :O
Wakana: Most of our time working is spent together, but when I'm alone I like cooking.

^ sharks ? :plot: :ayashii:

Host: Your life is so boring.

^ lol wtf, I find their lives fine o_O

Keiko: I like massive eaters.

^ LOL! Like in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_k7WFK7wJN0 ? :ohoho:

Host: Pay attention, food-lovers in the audience. Previously we thought that by being a pig we'd be scorned, but now we can imagine being liked by Keiko.

^ Zui, its time for you to start gaining weight :plot:
They sounded awesome when they performed that little bit of storia! Thanks Kera!
Host: So your activity on stage is different from your actual lives. Tell us a bit about your lives.

Wakana: Most of our time working is spent together, but when I'm alone I like cooking.

Keiko: I like to exercise, jogging, sauna, and training myself.

Hikaru: I like to do quiet things, like reading or going on walks.

Host: Your life is so boring.

lol Hikaru lol :XD:

Host: Whenever Hikaru talks, it makes you want to bully her.

Thanks Kera!

Host: How much do you know about Chinese musicians and singers?

Keiko: I like [Japanese name]

I think Keiko was referring to Rain at that part. Which is funny since he's not a Chinese artist.

Hikaru was so adorable :dote:
Thanks Kera! Yay it's in Chinese I can actually understand the video!

OMG Keiko was sooooooooooooooo cute at 1:00 when she was pointing at the camera :nosebleed: :nosebleed: :nosebleed: 45 minutes, long video! Will watch tomorrow after midterm. Thanks Melvin for links!!!

Edit: Also just fast forwarded to part where they spoke Chinese OMG adorable beyond belief :shy: :nosebleed: :waii: Must stop watching now or else I'll fail my midterm tomorrow >_<

Host: Have you seen Chinese wuxia films? Do you want to be a kung-fu heroine?

Hikaru: <<KUNG FU>>

I think what she meant was Stephen Chow's "Kungfu Hustle" :tea:
Thanks for this!

Hikaru - "Fear my kung fu. Hiyaaaaaa!" :kungfu: I can see her as an actress actually. She may be quiet on shy off the stage, but on it, she lights up, like she gets "into character". Of course, it really helps when you love what you do. =)

Keiko - no wonder there's ALWAYS pictures of food in blogs!! Well, usually. :ohoho:

Wakana - that's okay. She can't always talk about sharks. We'll let her off the hook just this once. :XD:
so cute when keiko asking where should her look to when talking.. :XD:
OMG THANKS YUKI88 !!!!! so happy to reading and watching their interview !!!! that so cute !!!
I haven't watched nor read the interview above, so please someone help with the video and translation :uh..: