Long story incoming...
As I entered my first year in High School, I was recently in love with "Deep Forest" (Fukai Mori) by Do As Infinity. I wondered where can I buy Japanese CD's with my favorite songs on them? (I did not really know how to find them online or other ways, but I assumed there would be some store around where I live that sold this stuff)
Once I stopped being stupid, I found an online store that sold various CD's from Japan that would be really difficult to find otherwise (yay internet!). I ordered a bunch of CD's. I bought 2 OST's from Inuyasha, FLCL, Cowboy Bebop OST1 and Blue...
After that, I still thought I could still find some sort of anime OST somewhere in the mall or something. I went to the Suncoast store at my local mall and found a very small selection of CD's from some animes. I was not familiar with most of them except "Somedays Dreamers" and ".hack//sign." So, I thought I might as well get these.
After some time listening to the tracks in the ".hack//sign" CD, I fell in love with every single track. Beautiful composition, complex chord progressions, and entrancing vocals with genius harmony and melody. I had to find more of this kind of music. This led me to Yuki Kajiura.