Hikaru (aka H-el-ical )

First Kaori (I speculate), now Hikaru, Soon, Wakana, and possibly Keiko in the future. This is looking grim for our ladies. I suspect the management and lables were expected much more and it hasn't happened.
Wait what happened to Kaori? I'm not actively following her news
A little bit of fooling around, but I gotta share this

So a while ago I figured out Hikaru's IMPOSSIBLE LOVE's chorus melody is almost the same as Katy Perry's "I kissed a girl" - same progression, even the same key.

And today, I found this. Again, Katy Perry. "Looks strangely familiar" I though


Can't stop laughing now :XD:
I for certain absolutely love this. Probably because it’s low or something 😅 Just waiting for it to show up on iTunes!

Also, is she cutting the alias and just going by Hikaru? I haven’t been following her since, like, last summer, and I just see her listed as Hikaru on the Survivor art and video description.
Also, is she cutting the alias and just going by Hikaru? I haven’t been following her since, like, last summer, and I just see her listed as Hikaru on the Survivor art and video description.
In short, her contract with her agency expired and was not renewed, so now she’s working as a freelancer. The “H-el-ical Project” was very much tied to that agency, so the name change is a signifier of the split and also a bit of a new start for her. Also she’s probably not allowed to use it, but the details were pretty messily explained.
I've thought both of Hikaru's solo releases (Survivor & Escape) have been really good! Definitely seem to be more consistent than some of the Helical songs which could be either great or kinda blah.

Production speaking, though, does anyone else hear some weird compression/high end on her voice in these releases? I feel like there might've been an elevated noise floor or a weird de-esser going on. It's a small nitpick but definitely noticeable. :touched:
@Westkana yes absolutely i definitely hear some tampering with her voice. honestly i don't know what it is, my ears are not trained enough to pinpoint what xD but honestly it's nothing too grating to me.

I like both singles, so catchy. Honestly it's great stuff. Keep it up :) hats off to the composers and arrangers. no idea about lyrics lemme know if you think they are any good lol.
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First impression of Escape was that it was a bit... much. Like Survivor is a lot of noise but it works. Idk I'll give it a second listen and I'm sure it'll grow on me.

EDIT: It grew on me. Idk what I was thinking before tbh
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