Highway Star Party 2024 (Sept 22-23, 2024)

Yea but its just an agency show with each artist singing 3-4 songs, not some huge franchise show like the fate concerts.

YK/FictionJunction on Sep 23.

石田燿子/喜多修平/GRANRODEO/JAM Project/shuri/SUIREN/玉置成実/寺田志保/橋本みゆき/米倉千尋 and more!

遠藤正明/尾澤拓実(ReReGRAPHICS)※Vocalist…シト/影山ヒロノブ/梶浦由記(FictionJunction)/奏みみ/きただにひろし/クレア先生/桜樹みりあ/ChouCho/春奈るな/rito/LINO LEIA and more!
This year's theme, "JUNCTION", is "Intersecting"!

JUNCTION Corner" where artists "intersect" with each other through collaboration

HIGHWAY STAR Channel [-Covers-] https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmZdLlr5t5 wAkqx4gcMwLc74jZAaht8iS&feature=shared

In its "JUNCTION Corner".


Masami Okui & KISHOW from GRANRODEO

Yoshiki Fukuyama & e-ZUKA from GRANRODEO


Hironobu Kageyama x Masaaki Endo x Hiroshi Kitadani x Yuki Kajiura

Three hot collaborations will be announced and will be the focus of much attention!

Expect more collaboration announcements and the development of secret projects only available on the day of the event!
Joelle was great, Yuriko was okay, not a fan of Keiko's way of singing her mini bridge solo, Kaori was kinda eeh at times but still good. Plus idk I can't get over Keiko and Kaori singing kimi no pareeeeee boku no pareeeee instead of parade.

Add to that all I always think that all 4 of them approached the song with something different in mind. Joelle sings it very pop-ish and somewhat straightforwardly, Keiko smiles throughout the song (I guess the lyrics are kinda happy?), Kaori sings it like it's a power ballad, Yuriko is just there.

tldr: Parade still sux
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