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Hi there :)

My name's Mandy and I'm from Australia. I'm 20 and I've just graduated from a music degree majoring in composition. My dream job is composing music for anime but that seems pretty unlikely. I also play flute and clarinet and I sometimes transcribe or arrange music. I'm also interested in translating so for now my plan is to study Japanese part-time at university and find some work to support myself.

I discovered Yuki Kajiura's music through Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle about 3 years ago and found this site not long after and I'm finally bothering to join now. A few months later I discovered Kalafina through Madoka Magica and since then they've been my favourite band (also Wakana is my favourite singer ever). I really enjoy Yuki's soundtracks and her music for FictionJunction but her music for Kalafina is my favourite. I also enjoy j-pop by a lot of other artists including Maaya Sakamoto, Yui, Konomi Suzuki and Nagi Yanagi.

I hope to someday hear Yuki's music live and I bought a VIP ticket to her SAO live impulsively a few months ago. This is my main reason for joining and posting here. Uni and life got in the way and as a result I wasn't organised in preparing for my trip and was also unable to find a friend to go with.

Basically I won't be able to go to the concert and I'm looking for someone who will be able to use the ticket so it doesn't go to waste. Not sure if this was the best place to post about this so please let me know if I should ask in another part of the forum.

I look forward to spending more time on the site and talking to other Kajiura fans :)
Welcome to CPM!!!!! :hi:

Nice to see another person involved in making music, I do some transcriptions/arrangements myself and I'm planning on going to a music college in a few years.
Why hello there~

It does seem we have a few people here who can play instruments, always nice to have more though :goodjob:. I am not one myself, however. Making music isn't really my thing :spotlight:. I just love listening to it. Also great to see more Yanagi Nagi fans :innocent:. And yes, Wakana is wonderful :love:.

As for the ticket issue, I'd suggest mentioning it in the thread dedicated to the SAO live over yonder in the Everything Yuki part of the forum. I think anyone who cares already has a ticket though, but there might be someone who might be interested.
Hi there :)

My name's Mandy and I'm from Australia. I'm 20 and I've just graduated from a music degree majoring in composition. My dream job is composing music for anime but that seems pretty unlikely. I also play flute and clarinet and I sometimes transcribe or arrange music. I'm also interested in translating so for now my plan is to study Japanese part-time at university and find some work to support myself.

I discovered Yuki Kajiura's music through Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle about 3 years ago and found this site not long after and I'm finally bothering to join now. A few months later I discovered Kalafina through Madoka Magica and since then they've been my favourite band (also Wakana is my favourite singer ever). I really enjoy Yuki's soundtracks and her music for FictionJunction but her music for Kalafina is my favourite. I also enjoy j-pop by a lot of other artists including Maaya Sakamoto, Yui, Konomi Suzuki and Nagi Yanagi.

I hope to someday hear Yuki's music live and I bought a VIP ticket to her SAO live impulsively a few months ago. This is my main reason for joining and posting here. Uni and life got in the way and as a result I wasn't organised in preparing for my trip and was also unable to find a friend to go with.

Basically I won't be able to go to the concert and I'm looking for someone who will be able to use the ticket so it doesn't go to waste. Not sure if this was the best place to post about this so please let me know if I should ask in another part of the forum.

I look forward to spending more time on the site and talking to other Kajiura fans :)

Welcome from Adelaide, nutmeg13, you do realise that Kevin Penkin, an Australian composer and flute player has composed music for the Norn9 games and anime, featuring vocals by Nagi Yanagi and Kaori Oda? (Nagi Yanagi was in Sydney in August 2015 for the SMASH anime/manga convention btw).

There have been a few concerts that I had tickets for but no money for flights and accommodation so I can imagine how disappointing that feels for you.

From Australia, it's not that difficult to visit Japan. If you know someone over there who can bid for tickets for you (and perhaps join fan clubs for you), it's a lot of fun getting to concerts over there (and no jet lag).

I hope that your studies go well and that you get the opportunity to see your favourite artists live!
Thank you :)

Ah that's really cool :). I studied at a conservatorium and it was really intense but also great to meet so many other musicians.

I haven't heard many of Nagi's songs yet but she has a really nice voice. Ordered a copy of one of her albums along with the next Kalafina dvd though haha. Thanks for the advice :)

No I didn't know that. Sounds cool though so I'll check it out. I didn't hear about her performing at SMASH until a while after the convention. Yeah it is tough with flights being so expensive. I'm hoping to go to Japan with some friends at some point and hopefully see Kalafina perform. Thanks so much :)

Thanks :). I really like her music for TRC, Le Portrait de Petit Cossette and what I've heard from Kara no Kyoukai (haven't finished watching it yet... a bit intense for me) but my favourite is definitely the soundtrack for Madoka Magica.
Welcome to the forum! I hope you have a good time here! It's very cool that you transcribe music; I've never had the patience or ear to do that.
Thanks :). I'm pretty bad at transcribing on paper but I normally play by ear on my flute and then use notation software.
yaaay, another Wakana lover! You're very welcome! :hi: (and yeah, Maaya Sakamoto is great as well! Such a clear, sweet voice she has!)
It's amazing having here people with so many knowledge in music. I don't know a lot about it, so it's nice to have people here who does, so I can learn new things! Also, do you play two instruments? How nice! :plz:
I hope you have a great time here with all of us! See you in the forum!
Hello! I'm new as well, so looking forward to hearing more from you and all the other members of this community.

I just joined the chat today, and I think I'll be hanging out there.