Eurovision 2017

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Well, Eurovision is finally over :P
A couple of thoughts: I'm really glad that Italy performed flawlessly and for once didn't embarrass itself by making obvious mistakes. I liked Azerbaijan and was pleasantly surprised by France (agree with @ritardando), probably the only song I will look up. Moldova was a lot of fun, happy it got the podium. I'm completely indifferent towards Portugal, it's not a bad song by any means but in my opinion too forgettable.
I need to listen to some Kajiura now to get rid of all the trash from the final :)
Well, Eurovision is finally over :P
A couple of thoughts: I'm really glad that Italy performed flawlessly and for once didn't embarrass itself by making obvious mistakes. I liked Azerbaijan and was pleasantly surprised by France (agree with @ritardando), probably the only song I will look up. Moldova was a lot of fun, happy it got the podium. I'm completely indifferent towards Portugal, it's not a bad song by any means but in my opinion too forgettable.
I need to listen to some Kajiura now to get rid of all the trash from the final :)

That's exactly my opinion about Portugal. It's not a bad song, but it's not gonna last long. People are just captivated by the moment it was performed, but maybe by next month people will already forget about it. So happy for Moldova.

I feel like Italy doesn't really care about winning Eurovision lol, he's just using this moment to promote his album and doesn't really try (the 3 minute cut is really bad imo). Still thinking Bulgaria song is a mess as its title, and not a beautiful one.
Wow, I didn't expected Portugal to win. Song was indeed beautiful, but not enough to stand out, boy's voice was pretty normal (in fact, I liked more the song sung by the sister) and the it was indeed the most boooooring perfomance of the festival.
Perfomance-wise I found Switzerland to be the most visully attractive. Song was kinda generic, but I really liked the idea, the coreography and the effects on the screen. Everything worked perfectly there.
And when comes to music, France and Belgium were my favourite songs. The belgium girl seemed really nervous, but she has really pretty voice and the song was pretty as well. France song was wonderful, I wish the singer was more active or had some dancers to make a more dynamic perfomance, but otherwise, great.
On the other hand, in Spain everyone is super happy with being last. The perfomance was way worse than expected. I couln't stop laughing. The two non-main-singer (?) guys seemed like they were really high on drugs. Manel even said in an interview that he was really satisfied with his perfomance and that there was no room for critiques to be made :fwa:He became the meme of the year, tho.
i was rewatching all the performances (more like watching the last minute of each videos) and i honestly cracked up at Australia at 2:17

is it just me or the sound production (or the whole production) was really really bad this year? the stage and the camerawork also sucked, this year's even topped Austria 2015 horrible camerawork.
@ritardando I agree, the stage and camera work stood out because of how weird they felt, and didn't work to enhance the performances at all. There are entire segments lasting several seconds where one can look away from the screen and miss absolutely nothing because the camera kind of takes weird angles from above or far away, angles from which unfortunately nothing is visible.

Together with the moment by Spain and (several) from Greece, that one from Australia is actually in pretty good company :P it was fun to watch though, I'll admit :P