Eri Itoh "Loving You"


I have reached Yuki nirvana
OMG the song is beautiful :dote: :love:

I've listened to it like 10 times in a row and i cant STOP!!!!!

Eri Itohs voice is amazing and has a lot of emotion during the chorus.

though i gotta say, the beginning (when she starts singing) kinda reminds me of a Disney song, it sounds kinda like sleeping beauty ( of course, it;s not a bad thing)

BTW, does anyone have the lyrics?
Yes, the song is pretty, although I am not as enthusiast as you (like listening to it 10 times in row) but surely Eru Itou has nice voice.

I want the whole abum :comeback:
maybe i exaggerated a bit, with the "listening 10 times in a row"

still i luv it :dote:

and i want the whole album too :aww:
yeah, i just read it at wiki!

and she's the singing voice of mulan, i have to listen to that song :dote:

and, thank yoo Michelle!!!
you can find it at YouTube.. i head it maybe 2 weeks ago because my friend was looking for same Japanese dub Disney songs (don't ask me why) and she showed me that Mulan song (where she visits the grave of ancestors) and we where both ewwww so pretty ... and i though that i know that voice from somewhere o.O ... now i know why XD
