
you can go see the topic "if you have some time to lose", there is a very touching story ;___; read it alll !!
omg your drawing is so cuuuuuuute XD and confused looking, "why am i wearing this? o_o"

and with frilly frilly detail ^________^

i want a soubi
Cool, I like your sketching style a lot and you sure know how to draw ^^
But hey, I can't understand a single word XDDD
hahaha, you havn't noticed it, too!!
like all the others XDD
look zwischen (lol, I can't remember the word XD) his legs XD
lool ! you dirtyyy xD
zwischen : between xD

you said it, there is a lot of level here...
I have some more of these :3
As I tryed to remember the word the only thing that pops up to my mind was "aida"
did i say that?
no thats not what i said~
but since you suggested it, it must be whats going through your mind :3
haha no no, it's just that your virus of dirtyness got meh xD
I know you wanted it ! huhuhu
wow you are so good at anatomy <3

Zuiyon would say so too, but he's busy shopping for industrial-strength electric fans.
but the hair is crap
I changed my style of drawing hair.
It got really detailed xDDDD


this one was just a test for figure out how I could define a new way of drawing hair... ok, now the whole hair is made in photoshop, but I like it that way.
I think it's a little bit to bright. That's because I made it on an TFT and that's not that good because it's always darker and so I have a nice pic on an TFT and a really bright one on an LCD xD
woooowww i love that hair!! and thats got to be the cutest little boy i've ever seen XD Rion likes ukes? XD