Describe your emotions while listening...

Stereopony - MY MISTAKE :uh..: :omg: :rain: :spotlight: :leaf: :imdead:

A good song to tell yourself: You're a coward! It's all your fault!
闇の彼方まで-Aika Yoshioka :kungfu: :stars: :idol: :cheer: :XD: (me being productive and now relaxing lol taking a short break from Kalafina)
YUI - Good-bye days (one of the greatest songs ever... It's just so sad...)



:uh..: :fwa: :desksweat: :glower: :swt: :rain: :comeback: :touched: :orz: :orz: :orz: :orz: :orz: :orz: :orz: :orz: :orz: :spotlight:

:imdead: :chuu: :leaf:
Shonen - Takashi Utsunomiya (or whatever unit he happened to be in at the time...)

:cheer: :dote: :cheer: :dote: :cheer: :fwa:
Dethklok - Go forth and die