Complain about all!

Oh, aki, yikes!
/me hugs liana
thank goodness you're ok littlefelicita

I am very angry right now... my best friend/crush is angry at his ex best friend and wants to beat him up. He never gets mad but this guy seems to be his "undoing". No matter what I say I can't talk him out of it. He doesn't care that he could go to jail or anything. I feel kinda bad tho, one, I talk to his ex friend sometimes, he texts me, and two, I told my best friend that I care about him... a lot... but he has no idea that I'm crushing on him...
^That sounds awful. I hope things workout.

Glad you are okay too Felicita. I really do hate motorcycles, no offense to you, but I think they are unsafe and they make me nervous when I am around them on the road. I also think they are too noisy. heh

I guess I have been feeling down lately because I have not gotten any more interviews. I really want a job and want to make my family proud of me, instead of doing nothing and feeling crappy all the time. I am nervous for my first volunteering at the museum on Saturday. Ugh, I wish I didn't feel anxious this way. Also my cousin isn't wanting to come over again, I mean, I understand working at a vet clinic can be hard, but we live 2 mins from each other and I hardly see her. We used to be so close that she wanted to come pretty much every day. I wish I had someone to talk to... okay, end of rant.
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/me hugs liana, i'm so sorry! I kinda feel the same way... everyone thinks I graduated when I haven't and they all expect me to go to college when I'mstill trying to finish school....then my dad adds pressure... and I gotta get a job but I need a license first... and then there's my best friend that I'm crushing on..he hasn't texted me back... I mean, I understand he won't want to text all the time and I don't want him to think I want to...but still..what if I did something ...then I hate feeling so worried about that... and I hate thinking about him so much....
^I hope things work out.

I hate it that I can't talk to or see my cousin more often. She says she doesn't want to go out, which is like to my house, which is only about 2 mins away, but then she'll go out with her friends and do stuff after that. It makes me mad, and then I think I am being pushy for her to do stuff with me. I know things will never be how they used to be, but I wish I could do some things with her at least.... sorry, it's just on my mind and bothering me right now. I hope this week will be better. I need to go somewhere quiet like my Aunt's cottage for awhile.
That moment when you get up at 1am in the morning to go to the toilet, catch your brother sneakily using your laptop, then proceed to kick his ass to Venus and change all of your passwords. :anger: :anger: :anger: :anger: :anger: :glower: :glower: :glower: :bloodlust: :bloodlust: :bloodlust:
Went to the ER yesterday because I couldn't breath to the point of almost passing out from hyperventilating...turned out I was having an anxiety attack... I feel insane...
^I actually went in for the same thing, well I think it was also a reaction to a medication, but still. Don't feel bad. Plus it was the day before, or 2 days rather, when I had to start a new job too.

My back is hurting a lot, probably because I haven't been to the gym in awhile. Just been so lazy, and kind of busy actually. Plus the new bridge I had put in my mouth is a bit tight still. I want to eat on it, but can't until tomorrow. Also, my cousin hasn't replied to me still. Ugh... Okay, so she did finally contact me, and might be seeing her tomorrow. But my back has been hurting pretty much all day today and I went to the gym, thinking that'll loosen it up, it probably made it worse. I don't know what to do anymore. :cry:
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Okay, this humidity can stop already. Yes, I am inside and have the air on but my body can still feel it. I have a major headache and back has been aching for the last couple of days. Thought all that rain last night would have cooled it off. :blood:
Had the lint in the clothes dryer that had gotten in next to the heating elements start smouldering, setting off the smoke alarm and requiring opening the window and putting on the exhaust fan on a cold night.
The boy I liked... my best friend... doesn't like me... Luckily he (as far as I know) doesn't know I like him.
TK: that really really sucks. *hugs* The nice guy I went out with a couple of years ago (and could possibly have been the guy I would still be with) moved to Minnesota I think. They just don't grow on trees, you know? Now he has a girlfriend so even if he did come back I couldn't be with him.

Not much has changed. Still looking for a job, which really stinks since no one is hiring. Well, no one I want to work for anyways. *sigh* I hope I get something soon. So much I want to get and pay parents back of course. And I've been getting migraines a lot more often recently. Thurs was a bad day. Ugh, I just want to punch things sometimes.
storytelling is so da*n ugly urgh I tried listening to it and I still can't stand it.
^ Try the Audacity (minus main vocal) version? I don't exactly like the main one, but I listen to it on Audacity a lot.
I'm thinking now I need to change a lot of things, like my perspectives, my personality, but I don't know how to set about it. Sigh.
^I wish I could change. Right now my back has been hurting so much that my personality is grump most of the time. I hate it.

So yeah, back is hurting. What else is new though? But I don't want to do anything. I don't even have an appetite very much anymore. *sigh* Wish things were better.
Also, stupid freaking people are setting off fireworks again, after blasting them until 2 a.m. the night before the 4th, and now it sounds like guns going off since it's in the street, and they are not supposed to do that. I hope the cops come and stop them, since it is supposed to be illegal. Ugh, I need my sleep tonight people.
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I really don't understand some people's mindsets. If you don't care for, or don't like pictures, videos, or opinions of other people, then DON'T. LOOK. Period. Why on earth be so hard on yourself and on other people when you look, get hot-headed and then blast off at the innocent person who probably spent HOURS working on the videos, pictures, forming and giving opinions and never expected such a response?

It's alright to form different opinions, but attacking others ("you suck" "you stupid person" or worse, "rot in hell") because their opinions don't match with yours, or if their pictures/videos ain't to your taste is very different.

You only serve to make yourself look like an arrogant, puffed-up pompous jerk or bitch who don't care for the feelings, and opinions of others (Which you probably don't). You only serve to garner sympathy for others and hatred for yourself (and probably get kicked out of the group) anyway. Honestly, such childish, self-centred people, you only serve to make yourself and others miserable. Some people just can't wait to watch the world burn. To those people, shut up and get lost.
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Somehow I wasn't up to attending one of the more low-key Japanese annual events in Adelaide today, maybe just too tired or trying to save money.
@casarina26 I don't get it either. My Twitter timeline has seen a number of people going on about how a certain con sucks, but go anyway; or say SAO sucks, but watch it anyway. One: what did they expect, when they have so much prior experience? Two: where do these people find the time and energy to hate things? The worst I ever say about stuff these days is "I'm not interested." or "I can't be bothered with it."!

@Kugayama I'm currently cat-sitting at the parents' place and feel too tired and lazy to do anything. Saving money is high on my list of priorities ATM too, because I've had a few awesome but expensive trips in recent months. My bank manager will start to hate me if I don't do something about it... :uh..: