Interesting idea, my dear...Actually, you're a very good corrupted person...
On a side note, Wakana looks so damn beautiful in your sig
On a side note, Wakana looks so damn beautiful in your sig
02:18:55 * Eddie the Quitter will listed to that after sherbet snow
02:19:00 ‹Eddie the Quitter› sisteln
02:19:04 ‹niney› 19. chiptunes
02:19:05 ‹Eddie the Quitter› I
02:19:06 ‹niney› OMG OMG OMG
02:19:07 ‹Eddie the Quitter› listen*
02:19:12 ‹niney› OMG OMG OMG OMG
02:19:19 * niney laughs silently
02:19:39 * niney should do the HUAHUAHUHUAHUAHUAHUAHU thing
02:19:49 ‹Eddie the Quitter› I don't know how some of these typos happen
02:19:57 ‹niney› there's no need to know
02:20:00 ‹niney› just go with the flow
02:20:04 ‹niney›
02:20:08 * niney did not intend that to rhyme...
02:20:18 ‹Eddie the Quitter›
02:20:33 ‹niney› sisteln
02:20:36 ‹niney› ah, Eddie
00:58:22 * Densetsu no Quitter quit (timeout)
00:58:24 ‹arq› 0100010010111010101010101010110001
00:58:27 * niney shuts off the dehumidifier temporarily
00:58:34 ‹arq›
00:58:45 ‹niney›
00:58:52 ‹niney›
00:58:57 ‹niney› w-w-w-w-what
00:59:00 ‹niney› O_O
00:59:00 * Densetsu no Quitter changes nickname to SUPER DENSETSU NO QUITTER 1
00:59:08 ‹SUPER DENSETSU NO QUITTER 1› I transformed
00:59:14 ‹niney›
00:59:20 * niney is mildly disturbed
01:19:30 * Varete goes to ypuyube
01:19:35 ‹SD no Q 1› VARETE
01:19:38 ‹SD no Q 1› YOU TRULY ARE
01:19:39 ‹Varete› youtube*
01:19:39 ‹aki›
01:19:40 ‹SD no Q 1› MY APPRENTICE
01:19:40 ‹niney› HAHAHAHA
01:19:43 ‹aki› OMG
01:19:44 ‹Varete›
01:19:45 ‹aki›
01:19:49 ‹niney› your padawan is learning, Eddie
01:19:53 * SD no Q 1 HUGS VARETE
05:11:55 * winter gives eddie a sombrero
05:12:03 ‹Eddie›
05:12:05 ‹winter› made of FIRE
05:12:18 ‹niney›
05:12:21 ‹Eddie›
05:12:25 * niney thinks Eddie should be WITH PASSION again
05:12:44 ‹winter› because you will literally be BURNING WITH PASSION
05:12:51 ‹niney› YES
05:12:52 * Eddie nick BURNING WITH PASSION
05:12:57 ‹winter› O_O
05:12:58 ‹Eddie› really
05:13:01 ‹niney› BAHAHAHAHAHA
05:13:02 ‹arq› Nagareru kumo oikakete imanimo tsukame-sou na " chasing the flowing clouds, i can grasp at any moment right."
05:13:09 ‹arq›
05:13:10 ‹Eddie› lol
05:13:11 ‹winter› ... eddie typed "/me nick"
05:13:14 ‹winter› O___O
05:13:23 * Eddie changes nickname to WIHT PASSION
05:13:27 ‹WIHT PASSION› *with
05:13:29 ‹winter› wiht O_O
05:13:48 ‹winter› eddie + typos = peanut butter and jelly Dx
05:13:57 ‹winter› O_O
05:14:03 ‹niney› OMG THIS IS PRICELESS
04:19:19 * Eddie changes nickname to Eddie the quitter
04:30:27 * niney the Quitter changes nickname to niney
04:30:50 * Eddie the quitter changes nickname to Eddie
04:52:31 * Eddie changes nickname to WITH PASSION
04:52:37 * WITH PASSION changes nickname to Eddie
05:01:19 * Eddie changes nickname to MOOSTACHE
05:01:50 * MOOSTACHE changes nickname to Eddie
05:13:23 * Eddie changes nickname to WIHT PASSION
05:14:56 * WIHT PASSION changes nickname to WITH PASSION
05:19:57 * WITH PASSION changes nickname to Eddie
05:27:48 * Eddie changes nickname to Eddie the Quitter
05:30:52 * niney changes nickname to niney BURNING
05:30:59 * Eddie the Quitter changes nickname to WITH
05:33:16 * WITH changes nickname to The WITH Sombrero
05:43:08 * niney BURNING changes nickname to The NINEY BURNING Sombrero
10:03:00 ‹wormbook› this is like a quitting contest
10:03:17 ‹aki› I wonder who would win, Eddie or Cerise
10:03:27 ‹niney› Cerise, probably
10:03:30 ‹niney› Eddie is the king of typos
10:03:33 ‹niney› Cerise is the queen of quitting
10:03:35 ‹aki› at this rate, yep
10:03:42 ‹aki›
10:03:47 * The CERISE Sombrero quit (timeout)
11:08:06 * kajiuran591 changes nickname to Korechan Fangirl #3
11:08:06 ‹aero› Around 2,5 GB
11:08:18 * The CERISE Sombrero quit (timeout)
11:08:18 ‹Korechan Fangirl #2›
11:08:27 ‹Korechan Fangirl #1›
11:08:35 ‹Korechan Fangirl #2›
11:08:40 ‹Korechan Fangirl #3›
11:08:45 ‹Korechan Fangirl #2›
11:08:47 ‹久我山 Kugayama› so cold here
11:08:48 ‹Korechan Fangirl #1›
11:09:01 ‹Korechan Fangirl #1› F-F-Fangirl #3?
11:09:04 ‹wormbook (lunch)› now we have #3?
11:09:08 ‹Korechan Fangirl #2›
11:09:16 ‹Korechan Fangirl #1› t-this seems wrong
11:09:20 ‹aero›
11:09:24 ‹Korechan Fangirl #2›
11:09:33 ‹Korechan Fangirl #2› w-who
11:09:44 * Korechan Fangirl #1 can't guess
11:09:46 ‹Korechan Fangirl #1›
11:09:52 * nihs quit (timeout)
11:09:56 ‹aero› Stop it, winter! We know it's you!
11:10:06 ‹Korechan Fangirl #1›
11:20:58 * Korechan Fangirl #3 capture 491 and put 491 on a jar and be one of her wild kajiuran collection
04:09:00 * kajiuran675 saw a flying kyuubey
04:09:06 * kajiuran675 calls the animal control
04:09:09 ‹FlyingKyuubey› haha
04:09:13 ‹FlyingKyuubey› oh no, I've been spotted
04:09:30 * FlyingKyuubey puff puff puff
09:59:37 * aero (here) changes nickname to The Police
09:59:42 * hungry zombie-kun trips on arq
09:59:45 ‹niney› oh boy
09:59:47 * hungry zombie-kun bites arq
09:59:47 * The Police shoots the zombie that is threatening aki
09:59:52 ‹The Police›
09:59:58 ‹hungry zombie-kun›
09:59:59 ‹FlyingKirby› Well, being known as FictionJunction certainly holds a lot more weight than FlyingKirby. Both figuratively and literally. xD
10:00:08 * aki thanks aero
10:00:09 * hungry zombie-kun gets up and stumbles toward The Police
10:00:24 * The Police shoots the zombie with all I got
10:00:26 * aki whacks hungy zombie-kun with a teacup
10:00:43 ‹The Police› Thanks, dear
10:00:44 * hungry zombie-kun falls
10:00:53 ‹aki › no problem
10:00:55 * hungry zombie-kun changes nickname to hungry zombie horde
10:01:08 * hungry zombie horde rises and converges
10:01:16 ‹FlyingKirby› OMG!
10:01:17 * niney loves when Aerokun is The Police
10:01:20 * cerise stares at kirby
10:01:21 ‹FlyingKirby› The world is going to end!
10:01:21 ‹hungry zombie horde› braaaaaaaaaaaaaains
10:01:25 * The Police throws a greande to the zombie horde
10:01:38 * hungry zombie horde continues toward The Police as some zombies fall
10:01:39 ‹cerise› I'M SORRY FOR CALLINg yOu korbY!
10:01:45 ‹The Police› *The grenade explodes, even with the typo
10:01:46 ‹FlyingKirby› why are you staring at me?
10:01:50 ‹arqnohikari› arq gonna redo "Utada hikaru ~ Beautiful world" hopefully tomorrow
10:01:51 ‹hungry zombie horde› braaaaaaaaaaains
10:01:53 ‹The Police› *The zombies die...again
10:02:02 * hungry zombie horde only lost a few zombies
10:02:05 ‹cerise› is okay, though, i called niney noney yesterday
10:02:15 * The Police has a lot of grenades
10:02:17 * hungry zombie horde surround aki
10:02:20 * cerise stares even more
10:02:23 * hungry zombie horde has lots of zombies
10:02:31 ‹The Police› EAT THIS, BUNCH OF...
10:02:33 * aki has lots of teacups
10:02:40 ‹hungry zombie horde› braaaaaaaains
10:02:45 ‹FlyingKirby› The Police...
10:02:45 ‹The Police› me throws dozens of grenades
10:02:45 ‹aki › here aero
10:02:47 * cerise hovers over everyone in a helicopter
10:02:48 ‹cerise›
10:02:49 * aki hands aero the teacups
10:02:52 ‹FlyingKirby› if you're done with the hungry zombie fellow
10:02:56 * niney watches The Police because she loves 'em
10:02:59 ‹The Police›
10:03:02 * hungry zombie horde eats aki
10:03:03 ‹FlyingKirby› Can you please take care of the person staring at me?
10:03:04 ‹The Police› Thanks, aki
10:03:06 ‹aki ›
10:03:08 ‹FlyingKirby› It's really creeping me out :P
10:03:16 * The Police drinks some tea while trhowing grenades
10:03:19 * aki is eaten?
10:03:28 * hungry zombie horde eats arq
10:03:33 ‹cerise› But...you're so beautiful
10:03:38 ‹cerise›
10:03:40 ‹aki › O.o
10:03:42 * hungry zombie horde eats cerise
10:03:49 ‹cerise› AKI GOT EATENNNN
10:03:51 ‹aki › cerise
10:03:55 ‹FlyingKirby› POLICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10:03:57 ‹cerise› ME GOT EATENNNN
10:03:58 ‹aki ›
10:04:03 ‹cerise›
10:04:05 * hungry zombie horde eats FlyingKirby
10:04:10 ‹The Police› THAT'S ENOUGH
10:04:12 ‹FlyingKirby› HEY!
10:04:12 ‹The Police›
10:04:15 ‹FlyingKirby› STOP THAT!
10:04:16 ‹arqnohikari›
10:04:23 * niney is still fangirling
10:04:34 * cerise zombie from inside stomach
10:04:35 ‹cerise›
10:04:46 ‹hungry zombie horde› /me eats cerise again
10:04:50 ‹FlyingKirby› Wait, if you're a zombie...and I'm a Kirby
10:04:52 * hungry zombie horde eats cerise again
10:04:59 * The Police shoots zombie head
10:05:00 ‹cerise›
10:05:02 ‹hungry zombie horde› braaaaaaaaaaains
10:05:04 * kajiuran910 joins My room
10:05:05 ‹The Police› You no eat Cerise
10:05:09 * cerise bombs zombie
10:05:12 * hungry zombie horde is many zombies
10:05:12 ‹shin› lindsey stirling
10:05:13 * kajiuran910 changes nickname to 久我山 Kugayama
10:05:14 ‹aki › HELP
10:05:16 * FlyingKirby sucks up hungry zombie horde
10:05:18 * The Police protects Cerise
10:05:21 * hungry zombie horde eats shin
10:05:22 * FlyingKirby changes nickname to ZombieKirby
10:05:26 ‹cerise›
10:05:29 * hungry zombie horde eats The Police
10:05:31 ‹cerise›
10:05:32 * The Police opens freakin zombie belly and rescues aki
10:05:36 ‹aki ›
10:05:39 ‹cerise›
10:05:46 * The Police doesn't care about shin. You can have him
10:05:46 ‹ZombieKirby› I sucked up the zombie
10:05:47 * aki runs before she gets eaten again
10:05:48 ‹ZombieKirby› You're safe now :D
10:05:54 * hungry zombie horde eats aki
10:05:56 ‹niney› ah, we can always count on The Police
10:05:59 * aki hids behind the police
10:06:02 * hungry zombie horde eats niney
10:06:05 ‹niney› HIDS
10:06:05 ‹aki › NO YOU DID NOT EAT ME
10:06:08 * hungry zombie horde eats The Police
10:06:11 ‹aki › NINEY
10:06:21 * niney didn't get eaten because she's fangirling and wondering stuff
10:06:23 ‹ZombieKirby› How can you eat? You're in my belly. : (
10:06:29 * The Police self-destroys from inside the horde
10:06:37 ‹hungry zombie horde› hungry horde of zombies
10:06:44 ‹hungry zombie horde› many zombies, not oene
10:06:49 ‹The Police›
10:06:58 * shin kills all zombies with unlimited shotgun
10:07:02 ‹The Police› *All of the horde exploded
10:07:12 ‹aki › oene
10:07:13 ‹aki › O.o
10:07:14 * hungry zombie horde changes nickname to Black Sword
10:07:22 ‹aki ›
10:07:24 ‹niney› OH MY GOD WHAT
10:07:24 * The Police takes Cerise and aki to a safe place
10:07:30 ‹niney› WHAT WHAT WHAT
10:07:36 ‹niney› okay, I can't even
10:07:40 * niney retreats to watch videos
10:07:40 * ZombieKirby eats cerise for staring at me when I was FlyingKirby
10:07:43 ‹aki ›
10:07:49 ‹arqnohikari› bye bye
10:07:52 * aki hids behind the police
10:07:57 ‹aki ›
10:08:04 * ZombieKirby rolls down a hill
10:08:09 ‹The Police› arq
10:08:09 ‹Black Sword› This is what happens when I spend 12 hours helping a friend move and don't get fed
10:08:19 ‹cerise›
10:08:20 ‹Black Sword› "bye" ar
10:08:26 ‹Black Sword› arq
10:08:36 ‹ZombieKirby› arq
10:08:38 * cerise still got eaten in the end...
10:08:46 ‹cerise› arqiee~
10:08:47 ‹ZombieKirby› That's what you get for staring
10:08:50 ‹aki › arq
10:09:01 ‹The Police›
10:09:03 * arqnohikari quit (timeout)
10:09:07 ‹ZombieKirby› I'll let you out if someone gives me some tea
10:09:31 ‹The Police› Cerise g-got...e-eaten
10:09:39 ‹The Police› I have failed her
10:09:45 * cerise stares at zombiekirby's stomach
10:10:00 * aki offers kyuubey tea
10:10:00 ‹ZombieKirby› STOP STARING AT MY INSIDES!!!!!
10:10:14 * cerise eats zombiekirby from inside out
10:10:18 ‹ZombieKirby›
10:10:20 ‹cerise›
10:10:26 * ZombieKirby burps cerise out
10:10:33 ‹The Police› Young lady, I will still have to ask you to not stare at the poor boy, or his internal organs
10:10:45 ‹cerise›
10:10:50 ‹The Police› Otherwise, I will have to take you to the station
10:10:55 * ZombieKirby hugs The Police
10:11:26 * cerise throws dirty tissues
10:11:27 * ZombieKirby then eats The Police
10:11:30 ‹The Police› Why u hugging me, zombie-thingie?
10:11:38 ‹aki ›
10:11:39 ‹The Police› Get off
10:11:46 * ZombieKirby changes nickname to ZombieKirbyOfficer
10:11:46 ‹cerise›
10:11:46 * The Police shoots the zombie
10:11:57 ‹cerise› POLIIIIIIIII
10:11:58 ‹ZombieKirbyOfficer› nom nom nom
10:11:58 * kajiuran233 joins My room
10:12:34 * ZombieKirbyOfficer waddles around looking for more "food"
10:12:40 ‹aki ›
10:12:46 ‹ZombieKirbyOfficer› ooooooo
10:12:57 * kajiuran233 changes nickname to waihong
10:13:01 ‹ZombieKirbyOfficer› Some more tea would do well to digest The Police
10:13:08 * cerise wonders where niney went
10:13:18 ‹cerise› waii~
10:13:36 * niney went ELSEWHERE
10:13:41 * ZombieKirbyOfficer eats waihong
10:13:45 ‹waihong› yo
10:14:00 ‹waihong› i not enuf slp
10:14:09 ‹waihong› yesterday 5 am slp until 7 am
10:14:11 ‹waihong› wake up
10:14:23 ‹aki › niney is busy fangirling
10:14:23 ‹Black Sword› I think I broke her brain
10:14:28 ‹waihong› and i stupid go watch touched movie
10:14:36 ‹waihong› my king
10:14:42 * niney has had her patience broken, is all
10:14:57 ‹waihong› my lady
10:15:11 ‹Black Sword› My loyal subject!
10:15:13 ‹Black Sword› eh?
10:15:15 * ZombieKirbyOfficer starts to imagine what niney would look like on a plate
10:15:24 * cerise gives The Police a horse
10:15:36 * cerise goes off to vacuum
10:15:43 * niney is fine with being eaten
10:15:45 * Black Sword hits ZombieKirbyOfficer so hard that he loses his Zombie Officer powers
10:15:46 ‹waihong› my king
10:15:46 ‹ZombieKirbyOfficer› I ate you both, stop transfering large animals within me >_<
18:41:31 ‹ლ人◕ ω ◕ლ人\› contract = ; stalking: ??
18:41:46 ‹ლ人◕ ω ◕人\›
18:41:48 ‹/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\› 3!!
18:41:49 ‹/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\›
18:41:54 ‹ლ人◕ ω ◕ლ人\› neo nazi salute?
18:41:56 ‹/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\›
18:42:10 ‹久我山 Kugayama› that too, ლ人◕ ω ◕ლ人\
18:42:27 ‹/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\› I'm saving this
18:42:36 ‹ლ人◕ ω ◕人\› I'll brb, but I'll remain like this for all to see!
18:42:49 ‹ლ人◕ ω ◕ლ人\› I've gtg
18:43:02 ‹ლ人◕ ω ◕ლ人\› all!
18:43:04 * kajiuran937 joins My room
18:43:09 ‹/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\›
18:43:11 ‹ლ人◕ ω ◕人\›
18:43:23 * ლ人◕ ω ◕ლ人\ quit
18:43:31 * ლ人◕ ω ◕人\ changes nickname to ლ人◕ ω ◕ლ人\
18:43:40 ‹ლ人◕ ω ◕ლ人\› Now, I have two hands!
18:44:08 * kajiuran937 changes nickname to (╯°□°)╯︵┻━┻
07:34:02 * kajiuran5 joins My room
07:34:59 * kajiuran5 quit (timeout)
07:35:12 ‹kajiuran5› DAMMIT, MY COVER HAS BEEN BLOWN
07:35:14 ‹kajiuran5› RETREAT
07:35:25 * kajiuran5 retreats
07:35:28 * kajiuran5 changes nickname to Eddie
07:35:33 ‹Eddie›
07:35:50 ‹niney› EDDIE!?
07:36:02 ‹Eddie› NINEY!?!
07:36:11 * niney glomps Eddie
07:36:11 ‹Eddie› I have returned
07:36:16 ‹Eddie› OW
07:36:17 * niney originally typed GOMPS
07:36:18 ‹Eddie› wow*
07:36:19 ‹Eddie› moemtrairly
07:36:19 ‹Eddie› ot
07:36:21 ‹Eddie› lag
07:36:22 ‹Eddie› my god
07:36:43 ‹Eddie› uh...
07:36:46 ‹Eddie› Yeah
07:36:47 ‹niney› OMG
07:36:50 ‹niney› WHAT WAS THAT
07:36:52 ‹niney› I CAN'T EVEN
07:54:56 ‹Eddie› we havent doesnt cahat incalksncaushcasca
07:55:00 ‹Eddie› we haven't done that in a while*
06:42:00 ‹Eddie› :bye everyon!:
06:42:04 ‹Eddie› wow