C casarina26 Guest Feb 3, 2013 #35,384 300 Check out the PCG. me bragging How come Wakana IS ALWAYS the person being saved?
T tabete.mio Guest Feb 3, 2013 #35,385 298 here Ranger SEI viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1449&start=45 A nice story to pass time Because Wakana looks so innocent and acts so fragile and so simple minded that silly schemes always work on her /me is mobbed by Wakana fans
298 here Ranger SEI viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1449&start=45 A nice story to pass time Because Wakana looks so innocent and acts so fragile and so simple minded that silly schemes always work on her /me is mobbed by Wakana fans
T tabete.mio Guest Feb 3, 2013 #35,399 270 Drats! Should have waited until we were in 100 before giving her the link. That thread is addicting
270 Drats! Should have waited until we were in 100 before giving her the link. That thread is addicting