Avoid saying "yes" or "no" - game!

Why would I join choir club if I don't like to sing :XD:

Are you sure you're not crazy? :psst:
I hit Warp 9 before it could suck me in, and managed to escape! :ohoho:

Do you follow a lot of people on Twitter?
Sorry, but I afraid I'm not a part of that fandom.

Do you like The Simpsons?
I don't like most of them because of how stereotyped they can be...

Do you have cable/satellite TV?
I only played one, a long time ago, and got rid of it before I appreciated how awesome they are :rain:

Do you like Legend of Zelda games?
^ Which one? D:

Well, I just ordered the Skyward Sword Bundle for $70 to add to the various merchandise I have. I love it, not just like it.

Do you have a favorite video game OST?
I love the OST from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - The Fallen :dote:

Do you prefer 2D or 3D (pixel art or CG art) video games?
I don't like video games in general

Do you spend half of your day in front of your computer? :ayashii:
I'm in love with TV Tropes :vortex:

Do you have an actual dictionary? Made out of paper?