Avoid saying "yes" or "no" - game!

:uh..: The last time I cryed was February 2010. But my mother... :psst:

Sex is a taboo to you? :plot:

if you are a pervy yourself, then it would be fun for you.

Rafael-sama said:
Sex is a taboo to you? :plot:

^the thing that rafael is questioning about... :plot:

Do you and your society think or believe that doing it freely is a right thing or only exclusive with legal ones ? :ayashii:
not sure if I get this question right :@_@: but if I do... well, my society is relatively liberal about it. Though personally, I don't consider it too indispensable to fail waiting until you're a "legal one" (whatever that implies) :psst:

same Q (in case I DID misunderstand it and someone else will guess better) :ohoho:
:uh..: Legal one... I think this question is about the age... I guess it's considered a crime in here...

Same q, same reason as Nick :XD:
The only thing left is to find what exactly it is. :sparkleguy: :ohoho: :XD:

do you live on the ground floor?

Legal one... I think this question is about the age...

if so, scratch the "my society is relatively liberal about it" part from my answer. :white: :XD:
Re: Re:

I live on the second floor (which makes it a pain for laundry and carrying heavy things, but most of the time it's great :goodjob: ).

ZoaKaizer said:
Do you and your society think or believe that doing it freely is a right thing or only exclusive with legal ones ? :ayashii:

i know this question's old but it's interesting so i want to answer!! :XD:
in my society, underage sex happens a lot but if it's between two minors it's not illegal or anything. but if it's between a minor and a person of legal age then it counts as rape. i think. (if i'm wrong please correct me!)

Do you drink a lot of water?
erm.. Wasn't there already a question about drinking water? :omg:

Are you afraid of snakes?

depends on the snake. i've petted one before :sparkleguy:

Alphard Sokaina said:
erm.. Wasn't there already a question about drinking water? :omg:

:omgz: sorry :omg:

are you afraid of insects?
i never have a super nintendo

can u finish this version of Mario ?