^ you mean a jetpack?

Woah, what a weird dream
Speaking of that, I had a really really weird dream too last night.
Kalafina had rehearsal/performance (not sure xD) in some room that looked like a huge living room in some apartment. I was a bit tired and was sitting by the table and drooping a bit while Keiko and Wakana were singing.
I was obviously in their way but I didnt want to move so Keiko moved me to some kind of side room and left me there. I got really angry because of that but I stayed there and kept drooping
When afterwards Wakana came to talk to me I just repeled her and threw her out of the room.
Then Keiko came in and tried to talk to me and be kind. Then I just got even more mad and started shouting 'No! Leave me alone! I dont want to! I wont fall for your kind, seductive act anymore! Leave me alone!!' (like wtf really

So I ran out and got in some another room and booked up there but then she came in following me so I started to scream at her to leave me alone and ran again
Then started that adrenalin chase, I was slipping but running again, etc
So I got out of the building and looked where to run to and then saw her on the balcony so I hid under it. She was looking around from it and yelling 'Hikaru, Hikaru, where are you?!'

So basically yeah, I was obviously Hikaru in the dream but I didnt feel like it at all
When she went off, I knew she was going out to find me. I saw one door there and thought 'I can hide there. Nobody before looked here for me!' (like, what?? Subconscious memory from another dream, maybe??

So I went in that room and lied behind some extra small flower pots, idk what I was thinking if I thought Im invisible there
And of course she came in, of all the places she chose that door, but I ignored her in hope that she wont see me and kept lying on the floor with face down. Then she came above me, standing like that for a few moments, then kneeled down and said very kindly 'Its over, I found you. We can go now.'
I was desperate and started crying and said 'Why are you doing this, why wont you just leave me alone??'
Then she bended down and whispered to my ear 'Because I would follow you till the ends of the world.' She said it uncredibly kindly, my skin still covers when I remember it.
I am sorry for the extremely long post! 
But this is one of those dreams that I really remember detailed O_o
So, believers in dreams, looks like for you that Keikos feelings for Hikaru and Wakana really are true