Had a dream.. it's like a fantasy story... at first, I thought it's not related to any Kalafina stuffs, but in the dream I encountered this necklace with a key pendant and it seemed like an artifact. In it, there was a soul of a lady... and when the point come that the "world" needed to be saved, she came out of the key and took the figure of a woman... which was Hikaru... But she had a longer hair, and few highlights and she was blooming.. so charming at that time...

around her neck is a necklace with an amethyst stone, she held it and chanted something, then suddenly the sky turned black, it twirled around it's target, until a crimson lightning bolt hit that source of threat and destroyed it... I was watching her there with a O_O expression, asking myself, what she was doing there... Then she passed out and I approached her and few while later, I woke up...

It sounds weird and edited, I know.. but that's really what I dreamed of... I even remembered screaming her name so loud when a shockwave bounced back..

Now, I'm getting the idea of writing it... but those are not just it, I skipped most part and some details because If I didn't this post would be like 3-pages long...

'twas a long confusing dream...