Aniplex Live Show

They played it twice cos first time they accidentaly played it from the middle :XD:
Ahahaha that was awful.

Reading Youtube comments on air, showing the Valvrave trailer in Japanese with no subtitles, their mouse cursor was on the screen while on-air, they messed up the timing on the Kalafina video segment, they messed up the encoding on their Hikari Furu clip...

Do they do this regularly? Because I just had entirely too much fun watching with a friend and laughing at how terrible that stream was, just from a technical perspective.
It was a P.O.S. :blood: Oh well the mini movie was cute and I'm even more pumped to see the girls :sohappy:
So... what happened in the show?

I have fallen asleep for so long that I did not wake up in time for the live... :TdT:
^ it's okay, you didn't miss much I think :XD: The girls (looking divinely beautiful in their Consolation dresses) just said the usual about being honoured + happy to perform at ACen, looking forward to seeing fans etc. and getting power from them for the performance, thanked everyone for their support, talked about Hikari furu, Magia and PMMM thanking everyone for supporting their music etc...if there was anything else I've already forgotten :XD: Sorry, I was too busy admiring their faces to pay too much attention to what they were saying... :spotlight: :ohoho: But there was no performance or interview or anything, just a message of thanks to fans and the girls talking about looking forward to ACen.