I feel like I should clarify the exact reason why I hate aimer's voice so much.
I know that rather than saying that she sounded like she's gargling or singing like she's eating potato or holding something in her cheeks is not the most accurate description, but I saw one post that described why her voice sounds so unattractive to me: she sings like she's slurring the words and tbh that's why she sounds like she's singing while holding something on her mouth or singing like her mouth is filled with either water or saliva. This slurring quality to her voice is VERY unattractive and I feel like she actually got more and more stylistic with her slurring singing over the years because she wasn't this bad on her first single. I feel like with her singing she doesn't always hit the right notes at first and drag those notes a little bit up and like someone has also pointed before, her voice suits lower tempo songs more imo because of this tendency of her.
I feel like i'm too harsh with my words about her before but I really am horrible to people I don't like. Even as I write this I still think she's a horribly overrated singer that her only redeeming quality was she sounded different compared to most female japanese singers. I would actually take Wakana's honky vocals over aimer's, anytime.