A project for Yuki's birthday?

I'm not really sure how it will end, but i'm in ! :sohappy:
except the fact that i don't know how to draw and that i sing like crap
maybe we can keep it simple and ask everyone to send in a picture of their signature or maybe a "happy birthday message" and we'll paste it on a big picture that ZUIYON WILL DRAW :XD:
I think Kerahna said:
maybe we can keep it simple and ask everyone to send in a picture of their signature or maybe a "happy birthday message" and we'll paste it on a big picture that KERAHNA WILL DRAW
I prefer that way =D
she draws better than meee >_< and and she's our boss ! she must do it :3
I think Kerahna wrote said:
maybe we can keep it simple and ask everyone to send in a picture of their signature or maybe a "happy birthday message" and we'll paste it on a big picture that ZUIYON AND I WILL DRAW :XD:
Better now :D
You are both so skilled, that would be great to see the result of something done in common :D
that's so strange to draw with someone on the same "canvas" x)
we don't have the same manner of drawing, the same style, the same habits, etc. That's so different xD
It's like Yuki x Revo lol ! :XD:
(but I don't know if I could follow her level, kerahna is so professional >_<)
hmm but it could be funny xD I'm curious to see the "what could be the result"
The drawing will be done by me and zuiyon and anyone else who wants to help, and i'll stick the signatures on when they are all collected. (site/blog owners can ask your readers to send signatures to you, then forward to me at your leisure, maybe? :XD: or send to me kerahna@canta)

Host: every participating site hosts a mirror?

Background: white

Background Music?!: will be like preaching to Jesus but if someone is brave enough.... :plot:

Image: Shiki, Sakura, and Nadie (Characters from Kajiuran animu in the past year)

Signing format: typed name/nickname with image of signature (optional), spread across the white background of the picture. Longer comments will be placed under the card on the page

Text: Happy Birthday, Yuki (or something like that... to be determined)

+column of participating sites along the left side, in alpha order (maybe actual text links, rather than part of the image?)

here is my list of conscripts with many visitors who are kajiura fans that i am assuming will help out :XD: I haven't asked for permission yet though heheee
anyone else i forgottttt????

now the question is... when to begin signature collection?
Kerahna said:
Image: Shiki, Sakura, and Nadie (Characters from Kajiuran animu in the past year)

Why Nadie?? Kirika is much cooler (and the song "canta per me" is theme of her and which song is Yuki's favourite song according to one of her english interviews - I dont remember which-). Or maybe put one of Yuki's favourite characters (Tsukasa, Chloe, Eleonore)?
Kerahna said:
anyone else i forgottttt????

Not really but i bet there is a fe more with blogs and stuff... i can make few adds at LJ as well.

I agree with the use of a NOIR character since it's the anime that made her known widely, but it would be also natural to let the drawers chose what they want to draw :D

For the background music we could ask to allexiel if he's not too busy, it would match his current arrange album project :]

For the hosting and all, i'm OK :goodjob:

What's the best way for you to send you signatures ?

And finally, when do you want us to launch this project ?

I'm sure it will rox :plot:
i chose characters from anime that she worked with since her last birthday, so that we can have new characters every year ^^;

Chibiiiiii tell me which blogs i should add?

There are 2 months left until her birthday, and i have nooo idea when is a good time to start :XD:
Kerahna said:
i chose characters from anime that she worked with since her last birthday, so that we can have new characters every year ^^;

If you chose them with that criterion then Shiki will be in her next birthday present too. I dont like the idea of Nadie. I would prefer to use Elis (after all she is the main character) and Nadies does nothing but says LuckyLuckish "Any last word?" and then shoot. But I still like the Noir character idea and dont worry about the every year thingy since all the previous years we sent nothing so we have the right to use characters from previous years too.
I strongly advise for Eleonore. Yuki-megami said she's her favorite. (Well, at least, one of her favorites) Maybe Kera-chan & Zuiyon could draw her in a different, more "Happy B-Day"-ish pose or something! XD

Song...Canta per me, if anyone doesn't know a better alternative, although i like the "composing a new song" idea too. Really.
I think Kerahna's idea is great because the characters (Nadie, Shiki and Sakura) represent the animu Yuki worked on this Yuki-year ! So these characters will also represent this Yuki-year xD

by drawing them, it's like the drawing will not be a random one...it'll be the purpose of it ! it will be done for yuki's 43th birthday it'll fit the 43th Yuki birthday

Sooo we'll not put all our favourite characters on it, it'll be too selfish :XD:
@Kerahna: i didn't met any special contribution... just advertising. There is one livejournal community and i'm pretty sure there are others as well... but that is the only one i know of.
And i'll make sure to post ad on my blog as well (though it will be useless since nobody visits it XD) and if every of contributing blogs writes on the end "Please post this on your blog as well" or something in those lines i bet more people will participate - right?
its not like we're just trying to give her a present of fans that are among the sites you've stated, but a present in which as many people will participate as possible... right?
