Re: Re:
Yuki's cool! I have a weird feeling about her, it's like the whole music is making her move! and she's silent, she says nothing :O even if at the middle of the song, during Yuriko's Chorus, she opens her mouth, but nothing comes out! XD
When we see her next to that big window, it's as if Yuki was the main character of the story inside the PV - that the singers are telling while singing!
hehehe the girls are singing in front of Yuki, while she's playing keyboard! i find it so powerful and audacious xD
I love wakana's dress
Keiko's always so calm on FJ PVs
that makes strange 8D also it's strange to see Yuriko moving that way, as the other girls used to XD
I like when Wakana and Yuriko are singing to each other XD as they do on the lives~
yea that surprised me they did that even on the PV! >D
And Kaori looks sooooooo sweet!!!!!!!!*ù:*ù;mlsdmlfjioce *___* (she's not opening her eyes in full xD but looks good also because of that
Alphard Sokaina said:
Yuriko's chorus is always great, but why should she always sing it? why not let her sing a solo part?
I'm a bit disappointed
I guess each singers have a particular role in the group, FictionJunction. It's like the violinist has his part to play, and the guitar can't do the violinist's part at the same time on the same song : "you can't ask a guitar to play violin!" xD that's how I see it. I think Yuki's using the different personalities/particularities of each singers, instead of telling them to sing the same melody, one after one. yea she's playing with voices!
I guess, that's how she works XD
Kizuato said:
It seems to me as if "FictionJunction" now is just Kalafina with Kaori in place of Hikaru :\
hheehh you can't ask Yuki to become completely another person when she composes for FJ or Kalafina! XD