Kalafina Interview - Japan Lifestyle n°34

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Hi everyone :)
I just found a magazine with an interview of Kalafina for their Parisian show, so here's the english translation. Speaking about style!
I'm sorry if there are some mistakes... My english level isn't perfect ^^' If you want to improve the translation, please feel free! I just wanted to share this interview with you all. Enjoy ^^

Journalist: Kalafina is extremely popular in Europe. Shall we say "welcome" or "welcome back"?

Welcome (laugh)! We are very pleased to come in France, because since our debuts it was a sort of dream. We always have been close to a certain image of Europe, with our costumes and also our producer who have lived in Germany.

J: You talked about your costumes. In every comeback you're more spectacular. Are you entitled to your say, or who does take this in charge?

You're right, every work has its own stage outfit. On fast songs, outfits should projet an image of power and style, while in case of ballads we bet on long dresses. About the costumes we're wearing today, they have been especially created for the live we're gonna give in Paris.

J: Can you tell us more about your Consolation dresses?

The outfit that has the strongest image is the one we wear for "Yume no Daichi". But as a rule, all of our recent outfits show an image of elegance.

J: This sought after elegance, can we say this is in relation with the fact that you've become more mature?

Of course, we partly follow trends but the most important is, Kalafina exists since six years and a half. It is natural that, over the years, our group become more and more elegant.

J: If you should define Kalafina with five words, what would you say?

We always are three singing in harmony. So, "harmony". This word is the first showing up in my mind.

Three girls, Three voices. Number "3" is also important.

There's also the word "live". We love to sing on stage, and this is always a chance to be seen.

"Work", thinking to all the songs we had the chance to sing.

The fact that we continued, without any break, to release CDs and making lives. Maybe the word "continuation" would be the last.

J: Precisely, one of your keywords is "live". Are you rather "live artists" or "studio artists"?

For us, studio recordings are as important as lives. In either case, our goal is the same: singing us three in harmony. Then, it depends how our fans prefer or have the opportunity to listen to us.

J: Did you have a moment when things fell/clicked into place?

First, there's a double album, a best of, released on the July 16th that enable to trace the six first years of Kalafina's career. But for me, what did change it all really is the first single that marked the beginning of my career as Kalafina. Even today, listen to it or perform it is like find my roots again.

Keiko: I'd say the first time we performed a national tour in Japan. A tour is the opportunity to meet utmost people. It allowed me to question and improve myself.

Hikaru: I'm currently living in Tokyo, but I come from Toyama. So, the first time we gave a concert there was very important, because I came back home.

J: You started your career six years ago. If we meet again in six years, what would you like to have achieved in the meantime?

In six years, the objective is to continue to sing and travel in the whole world.

J: That's all we're wishing for you...

Thank you!
Thanks a lot @LunaChan for this interview!! +w+

"J: You started your career six years ago. If we meet again in six years, what would you like to have achieved in the meantime?

In six years, the objective is to continue to sing and travel in the whole world." <----GOOD Keechan good ùwù
Hop hop hop thank you LunaChan, I was expecting it, but as I got busier I began not to think about keeping an eye to these magazines anymore... I'll buy it right now :w00t:

PS: do you know if AnimeLand #193 is worth it? There is something about Kalafina in the summary.
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@Daiima Animeland 193? I'll look if I already bought it, and then I'll tell you! ^^

EDIT: I don't have so I can't tell. But I've looked around on internet, they don't mention Kalafina on the cover page, only in the summary... So it might just be some piece of news in which they say they will perform / have performed at Japan Expo and other things we already know ^^' It was released in July...
Seems like we can look for further informations, sorry :')
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Nice interview. Keiko's final answer though :innocent:. Yes, come, spread your song across the whole world!
@Daiima So it might just be some piece of news in which they say they will perform / have performed at Japan Expo and other things we already know ^^' It was released in July...
Seems like we can look for further informations, sorry :')

Actually, it was released in July 2013, so, I don't think it would be about Japan Expo 2014. :omgz:
This is the only entry for the Music section of this issue. Alas, my public library keeps them only one year, so, their older one is issue #196.
If it weren't a double issue, sold almost twice as expensive as a normal one, I would have ordered it, but for now, I'm hesitant :wet:

EDIT: Ok, I've found something. http://lp-charmilles-chateauroux.ti...ac_css/index.php?lvl=bulletin_display&id=4650

in Anime land > 193 (07/2013) . - p.98
Titre :Kalafina : plaquer les accords
Auteurs :Carla Cino, Auteur ; Julien Mecchi, Auteur
Editeur :Anime Manga Presse, 07/2013
Article en page(s) :p.98
Langues :Français (fre)
Résumé :Présentation et interview du groupe musical japonais Kalafina : le rôle de la compositrice et productrice Yuki Kajiura, la composition du trio, les débuts, des chansons utilisées pour des génériques d'anime, l'origine du nom du groupe, le style musical.
Catégories :Japon
Mots-clés :groupes musicaux genre musical
Type :texte imprimé ; documentaire
Genre :Article de périodique/Enquête, reportage

"Introduction and interview of Kalafina: role of Yuki Kajiura, making of the trio, beginnings, songs used as anime theme songs, origin of the name, musical style." I think I'll buy it.
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@Daiima Ahah, sorry, I didn't notice the year... xD (Quelle quiche \o/)

Here's another interview, in the same magazine. This time, Kalafina interpret Consolation. Speaking about what they usually do.
Again, sorry if the translation has some mistakes. Feel free to improve it, but I hope you'll understand :w00t:

Journalist: "Al fine", what do you do at the end of the day?

I take a bath and relax.

Keiko: I put my iPhone next to my bed and I fall asleep listening to Jazz or Classical music.

Hikaru: I read a book.

J: "Consolation", how do you console yourself after a disappointment?

I watch movies, meet my friends, and try to have fun in order to forget.

By being in a quiet place and eating something delicious.

By solving puzzles or reading mangas.

J: "Moonfesta", for you, what is a successfull party?

After each concert, the whole team of Kalafina get together, party, and drink joyfully.

Keiko: I don't drink much, so I prefer dress up parties.

Hikaru: Every year, I celebrate my birthday with my family. But the best ones still are parties in relation with events like Christmas or birthdays.

J: "Door", if there are three doors in front of you, which one would you choose?

For me, the door n°2 which opens towards the cosmos.

Keiko: For me, if there was France behind one of them I would be very happy.

Hikaru: The one leading to the bed of my room.

J: "Mirai", what are your future projects?

On July 16th in Japan, we'll release two best albums. Our objective being to sing, I hope we'll continue to sing for a long time.

Keiko: Of course, the most important thing is to continue singing, but also continue to have fun, live new experiences, and have this feeling of pleasure.

Hikaru: Come back to France, and give another concert.

J: "Hanataba", which flower do you prefer?

The dahlia.

Keiko: The rose.

J: "obbligato", what do you must to do, that you find annoying?

: Get out of my bed in the morning.

Keiko: When I eat something bitter, and that someone told me it was good, or healthy.

Hikaru: I'm scared of heights, and here (on the interview location were larges bay windows), I can't get close of windows.

J: "Kiichigo no shigemi", what's your favorite fruit?


J: "Manten", your favorite landscape?

The sky, because it's vast.

J: "To the beginning", your best memory since your debuts?

To have been chosen as a member of Kalafina.

J: "Hikari Furu", what is your favorite moment of the day?

The sunset, because I like the sky too, and I love to see this image of the sun hiding behind the clouds.

J: "Yume no daichi", your reccurent dream?

Dreams where I fight! I wonder why I'm dreaming this kind of dreams. Usually, it takes place in an old time.

So here's the end. I just love them! :sohappy:
Have a nice week-end everyone :)
Oh, Keiko dreams to be an onna-bugeisha? :nosebleed: That's a very interesting and instructive interview for once!!
Ahahaha this interview is so precious!! Thanks a lot dear @LunaChan +w+ Anyway Hicchan is the same ahahah *love love
And all three are so funny!! <3
I want to see them sooooon
Hikaru's answer to Door made me laugh so much! I would of said the same thing ! Agree with Wakana that getting out of bed is the most difficult activity of the day :XD:
I'm still surprised that Hikaru wasn't the one to say getting out of bed was the most annoying thing she had to do :plot:. Wonderful interview though. Those answers to the Mirai question are great to hear.

Also Hikaru's answer to the To the Beginning question :touched:. It's just so... direct. Having the best memory since the beginning being the chance to be part of it in the first place... wow. That's deep.

Also @LunaChan do you have a larger version of your avatar picture? I can't seem to find it and I must have it.
Is it this one?

You're welcome! ^^ I also think this interview is precious!
Thanks Daiima, this is the picture ;)